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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

- Awkward Moment. :

Hi! SO SORRRRY (Plays Sorry Sorry xP) that I did not update for SO LONG! It have reasons. School school school, exams exams exams, homeworks, homeworks, homeworks. I have to do and focus a lot. And I ACTUALLY could update earlier but I went to took a long nap from 3pm to 7pm.. Goddddd! So before I talk about this super duper long post, I wanna talk about school for a while. So I am really deteriorating for school already.. I suck now.. I have to study hard by now. Also, my blockquote sucks, so I need to go change the blockquote to a nicer one, if not, change a blogskin muahahaha. And i'm getting into Plurk a lot :D

Okay let's start my first topic. Awkward moment. So have you encountered an awkward moment? Like very awkward, example when you're chatting with a group of friends and suddenly they say something SOMEHOW sensitive to YOU, which made you unable to talk and embarrassed? Humans would have a lot of these moments. Let me give you one account that I encountered, not me who was embarrassed, but a friend of mine. Our class have 2 couples, in the same class. Guess so.. Maybe there's some that we don't know.. Like Pei Xian and Alin, like Shekinah with Sumit, Eng Beng, Wee Seng. Like.. Xiu Ting and Jun Jiu.. Okay back to the topic. So let the boy be A, and the girl be B, and one friend be C. So we were going to Home Economics, and I'm going with these friends. Then if most of you people know, teens are really very HORNY. So it suddenly came to this: A, B, C, me walking to Home Ec. Then we were chatting and then out of nowhere C says: "Eh B, so you're going to suck A's dick ah!" "So B, you're going to fuck with A right?" "Eh B, tonight you going to A house to go bang together right?!" and B was like, "What the hell.." And smiling away embarrassing. See how AWKWARD IS THAT?! A girl that is so innocent and not horny, being asked by her boyfriend's friend if she's going to have sex with her boyfriend tonight. God! That's SOOOO awkward. Even for me, someone that's really horny, would be ALSO awkward because I don't want to talk about having sex with my girlfriend (if i have one) in front of her. So A would ALSO be KINDA embarrassed, just that for the girl would be doubled the embarrassment. Haha.

Second example was, just taken from a plurk from my friend. She was playing AuditionSEA, and one random man was whispering her about wanting to go see his dick and say want meet tonight we fuck together those. WHAT THE HELL?! She's a girl ffs, why not just say give me your number I call you we meet and then we bam bam bam all night long man! Still ask if got webcam, show her. WA LAO EH. Thick skin bastard sia! If I was seeing it really, I would write more about it, but I don't know much lol.

Anyway, here is my question to you: Have you ever encountered an awkward moment when you don't know how to reply and is so embarrassed? If so, explain in your tag!

This is it. I've decided to put the question bigger because no one's answering to my question.. PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION! You must be pretty surprised because I said I would post 2 posts, but so sorry I have forgotten the second topic. And.. I'm going to see doctor tomorrow to check up something, tomorrow I'll tell you the result. Also, I found out that people is hating me. So.. I would continue being my loner and say goodbye to the world. Anyway, I would be posting LESS or maybe even NONE, because exams are coming. So a goodbye if there's a need so wait for tomorrow's post! Peace and Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Monday, September 21, 2009

- Blog Haters. :

Hellos! It's me updating the blog again. Too bad I didn't blog the pictures because my phone and the computer has some technical problems. I will try my best to put it into my computer so that
I could post yea? Also, I found out that VERY little people visits my blog. Unless they are lazy to tag? I'm practically envious of Tian Jie's blog because his blog has so many taggers ): Maybe I'll put the visit counts haha. So please, if you're EVER looking at my blog, please please please tag. Okay, time to move on to my post!

So today I'm going to talk about something very important, which is the blog HATERS. Sometimes I wonder why humans ever created vulgarities, which made the internet so gay nowadays. When some idiots argue with another idiot, it will probably continued with "Suck my dick, suck my cock, fuck you, you fag." and whatever craps. Talking about faggots, I wish to know. Example, A's arguing with B. A says, "Suck my dick you fag." So.. How does A wanting B to suck A's dick make B a faggot? Does that make all GIRLS faggots because their husbands/boyfriends want them to suck their dick when they are having sex? C'mon you're not even making any sense? <-- Censored!It's just talking in a blog, we're supposed to CHAT, but not insult anybody in the tagboard, or the anything.

No.2, bloggers just blog what he thinks, then eventually some idiots who PARTICULARLY hate that blogger and/or don't like the post, they'll just start arguing arguing arguing then the next moment, most people will always say, "Not happy is it? Come settle outside la" Then the other one WOULD eventually CHANGE the subject. So that's super super super stupid. If you have no guts then say, I don't wish to settle outside. If not, keep quiet? If not, best is say okay, let's meet outside. He might eventually decline, or lie to you an address and eventually not go which is also stupid. So basically that topic of "Settling Outside" is stupid. Don't do it. Okay?

No.3, to you taggers, please write something CONSTRUCTIVE. If you hate me, FUCK OFF. C'mon you people wasting your time scolding me through a tag, get a life, and eventually, fuck off from my blog. Understand? The reason that I'm so hot-tempered today is that when I'm playing some games, and I totally owned one dumbass' ass, and he started getting angry and scold me faggot, and then my teammate started defending me, and the noob said, "You shut the fcuk up fag, don't give me lecture on how to play this game. If you like him go suck his dick if he has one." See how stupid that is? Then I started rebuking for a lil' until he shut the hell up, and left the game. STUPID. Also because of some blogs that has some people scolding the blogger then people start defending and all the arguments bam bam bam. Like the band blog, and my friend's blog. How stupid.. Keep your anger to yourself.

One question: Have you ever entered a blog with arguments, or having to argue with some people in the internet, e.g. game or blog? Tag me the answer okay? Okay anyways I got to go now. Having some lunch and I wonder if there's any piano lesson today. Most probably yes, since it's just a school holiday. Peace and Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

- Redundant stuffs. :

Hello! So sorry I did not update for quite a while. It's number 1, I play too much Legendary GunZ (hehe) and moremoremoremore reasons that I don't want go into. SO! Before I start this topic, let's talk abit about school. School's getting better, getting more into it, especially English, History and Literature. Maths, Mother Tongue and Science are both fine. Only problem is Geography. No band, and a lot of freedom. Also our class just started to become a gambling den but in the end our cards were taken away. I don't know whether what would happen on Tuesday. I worry for all of them. Okay let's start this topic by saying that this topic is about Band. If your CCA also have this kind of problems, tag. And there would be a question about this topic. Take note, and tag the answer of yours.

What happened to orders? Hmm.. Let's start by saying dress codes. Yes, if band members would know, we were always told to wear full school uniform, and bla bla bla. Don't you people sometimes think that this is.. retarded? With dress codes, will anything happen? Without dress codes, will anything happen? They also say, without dress codes, first time warning, second time 10 push-ups, third time section 10 push-ups. This is totally REDUNDANT. Yaya, some people might think, this is for discipline. Which idiot would teach us discipline by telling us to wear some dress codes? Am I right to say that? You want discipline for us, go do something meaningful la. Tell us about dress codes for what? Some people have P.E that day, then need bring on band days, then their bag super heavy. You are not being considerate to others. Somemore, it's really REDUNDANT to tell us every day the thing again and again and again and again. Always telling us, "Next band prac's dress code is full school uniform." We all know that! We've ALWAYS been wearing that. And I don't really WISH to wear that. So next time I'm not going to care about it. And if there's any changes in the dress code, then say la. If not, just say "Dress code is usual." At least save some saliva for yourself right? Somemore put what Dress Code no. don't know what shit. FOR WHAT?! It's REDUNDANT.

Second thing, majors are wasting a lot of time saying the announcements. Let's say the new ones, anyway before I say it, I'm not INSULTING you or whatever. So please do not get offended. She is always wasting time saying the announcement slowly.. And AFTER the announcement, she looks around, looking for someone, or whatever, then pause for don't know what reasons, for 3 minutes like that. Then say something again. Then WASTE MORE TIME, then say band dismiss. Eh, not all of us are as free as you. You like wasting time, waste it after band is dismissed. No phone allowed. Is it for no SMS-ing? That's also KINDA redundant. We got a major in the front, and the back. Basically almost everyone could be seen. I don't see the horns and euphos and tubas not disciplined, so most probably you could just punish whoever you see sms-ing what.. If not why no phones? Checking time? That's even more stupid, the clock's just behind, isn't it just another REDUNDANT stuff to do? What if your parents call you, for an important matter? What if your grandmother landed up in the hospital. You don't know, then she's dying. You're being fucking infilial! Am I right to say that? Please stop making redundant stuffs yea?

I think that's pretty much what's so redundant. So this is my question to YOU: Does your CCA or parents/family members tell you to do things that are totally redundant? If so, write it by tagging, if not, still tag. HAH. That's pretty much it. Also! I've got some pics for you! Pulled out long ago! The FAIL pics, and my dream car. On the next POST! Another thing! Me and my friends have also decided to play some Nerf Tournament after the examinations. So excited about it.. Hope nothing FAILS. Updating the second post now! Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Monday, September 14, 2009

- Reasons for not updating. :

So the reasons for not updating is pretty simple: There was not enough time (REALLY), and that there's nothing to talk about! So let's update quite a long thing. So let's start from Thursday!

Early in the morning I wake up to prepare for the Science remedial. As I reached the school. Victor wasn't there to open the door, and he didn't go for the remedial at all. Chatted while waiting for Mrs. Wong. After she arrived, we put the tables, and listened to the lesson. Learn much more stuffs. With Mrs. Kumar's help, I learnt more. Hah. Nothing much.

There! There's nothing for Friday so I'm not going to details on it. Now Saturday!

Saturday's the best day ever. In the morning we went out to buy more ingredients. Then I went for tuition. Hilarious, Kai Xiang and Wei Xiang was punished to do homework standing because they did not complete their homeworks. How stupid LOL. And then they came back and we laughed super lots. After that off we went to East Coast Park! They were SUPER SUPER SUPER hungry because they did not eat lunch, and then we barbecued right away! I became the chef since I like, and it's awesomely fun! Hah. Then we went to rollerblading. We were totally OWNED man. Can't control properly. Luckily I didn't fall badly. When my brother went to go buy hairpin for his gf, he fell consequetively thrice on a slope without a momentum. His back was hurt.. How sad, as he came back he told us the story, as we were taking a rest at the pit. Lol.. I pity him. Then we didn't really wanted to play anymore, we kinda gave up LOL. Continued eating eating eating. Awesome! We also played 终级密码 A.K.A. a game that I write a number in my phone, and my mom, 2 bros, and eldest bro's gf plays, and the person who gets the number, aka loses, and have to eat the steak, which is super big, and that most of them are full. It was super funny, because my eldest brother's gf got consequetively twice for 2 times, and got a total of 5-6 times. LOL. My eldest brother did not get any, and my second brother got the second most, and my mom got once only. Haha! Then went home and slept haha.

Long? It's not finished yet! Sunday's now!

Sunday's also awesome. I went out to Suntec City with Hazzry, Danial(e4) and Firdaus. We basically went out to just BUY Hazzry's stuffs, and ended up having lots fo fun. We talked, played, joked. And there would be a few pictures been shown tomorrow. And most of our jokes were very dirty. Super super funny. Laughed like hell. And played Hazzry's PSP "Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny". It's kinda fun. Went to arcade! Before that Hazzry shown me the shop that were full of Swords and Guns. GOD IT'S SO AMAZING. They have this retarded Buster Sword, that states it belongs to Cloud which is totally wrong so screw you, and it's wooden and so cheap. Screw you too. And there's this, FRIGGIN' FROSTMOURNE!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! ARTHAS' FROSTMOURNE! It costs $1226, SEE HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS?! IT'S SO BIG AND AMAZING, ARGH I'M CRAZY! Lolol. We had a lot of fun playing lol. After that Danial went off, while Hazzry Firdaus and me went to go buy the chocolate. Tried it at the night and it was friggin' amazing. Firdaus treated me to that. Thanks! Then we went home through MRT, from City Hall to Marina Bay and back to our homes. They were already late for fasting, I am sorry for wasting some times.. Then we 'slept' aka took a rest while listening to music, while Hazzry play PSP game. Then Firdaus walked with me back home while drinking Bubbletea! Haha.

Sorry for taking so long. That's it for now, I'm off to go shower and finished up my homeworks. Super super super busy right now. Update tomorrow yea? Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

- I don't know what to write? :

Hello! So I just update for fun but I don't know what exactly to write! Give me some ideas yea? And yea I'm going very on for Plurk! It's fun to just spam what I'm doing or whatever.

In Facebook did a lot of quizzes, including those dirty ones ._. It's fun doing these quizzes after seeing my result haha. Sometimes I just anyhow put the answer for osme BECAUSE there weren't any that really = me.

Homeworks are really really really irritating me. Science is okayokay, but I need to check the textbook because teacher put questions from the topics that we've learnt last time, and then I forgotten >< And now, I'm half done. Then Thursday, got lesson then tuition, chiong finish all others. Friday MOST PROBABLY going to DotA with some e4 people haha. Need practice liao. Haven't played for a few months. Gotta continue having the streak of owning Jia Heng and Wei Jie HAH!

Okay there's nothing much to talk about, I'm going to either: Practice DotA 2 hours, or do homework. I'll try to find a topic to write about yea? Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

- Another update. :

Hellos! I'm here again. Just another update, since I don't really have anything to write DURING THE HOLIDAYS. But anyway, I'm currently quite in love with Adam Lambert's songs and some of Kris Allen's. They surely are very good singers.

Also, just had band this morning. Same thing.. Very tired, and sleepy because Mr. Er focused a lot on brasses. Yea that's kinda needed, do your best brasses! You guys can do it. All of us sure can hear you guys are improving. But that one week break that we were given really killed us.

I'm so bored at home during the holidays. No mood to even study. Andandand facebook is screwed for my computer. Have no idea, everything went shitty lagg. So couldn't use facebook today ):

I like sleeping anyways, slept from 1++ - 5.30pm TODAY right after my lunch and band. Most probably doing my homeworks right after my dinner and rocking alot of music man! WOAH! Chiongchiongchiong! Then maybe studying on Friday with the nerdys! Haha.

K getting hungry. I gotta go eat now. OH YA, by the way, for those who visit my blog and NOT tag, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tag at least one. You don't know what to tag? Just write, "Tagged" That's all. I would very very very appreciate that. Thank you. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Monday, September 7, 2009

- Holidays ! :

Hello! I'm back to blogging again. So as everyone of you knows, it's the September Holidays! For one week! Yay!! But also, EOY exams A.K.A streaming for us sec.2s are coming. Obviously, we have to work hard! No more dilly-dallys. But I'm slacking most.. Worst is there's nothing to do and all I do is youtube youtube youtube, facebook, facebook, facebook all the way..

*slaps myself*, gotta work hard.. Also, I've lost my piano schedule, so I don't know whether TODAY have lessons or not.. I'm going to see later. I'm also going to buy one handkerchief for my flute maybe.

You know, I don't really know what to write.. Hmm.. Fortunate enough, we were only given 3 projects. Yea.. Only 3. Science, English, Literature. All are small ones. Science: Worksheet. English: Compo w/o conclusion. Literature: Some questions. That's all!

Also, as like some of you WHO VISITS MY BLOG(IDK how many visits, I think only 2?) see my status in facebook, IT'S A JOKE. Okay? Though, yes I'm feeling a bit weird nowadays. But those things that I write,

I'm not DESPERATE for love. THOUGH, I have to look for one SOONER OR LATER, I need to solve one problem. I have problems speaking to girls, and strangers. So, it's hard for me to communicate with girls. Not to even mention cashiers and those when I want to order something.. So before I solve that problem, no girls! Unless they look for me LOLOL.

Ok another thing, I've got to go to practice piano, and take a rest. Long rest. Very tired nowadays. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

- What happened? :

Hellos! I'm back again. Sorry didn't update for like 3 days. Cus there's nothing much to talk about during weekends. I don't know what happened to blogger again, maybe's my computer's problem or what, but the things are all jumbled up, I have to be careful to where I'm pressing. Cus if I press on one of the link then I'm pretty much screwed up.

Don't know why but blogger start having these problems since don't know when I can't even remember. It's super irritating, cus everyone of us wants to blog, and then the stupid blogger have some problems that I don't even know if I could post any shits! That means.. I could push my blames on not updating so long last time.. on blogger!

Anyways, I've always been wondering who's the creator of blogger.com? Is he/she so dumb to not find out that there's a lot of problems on 'Create Post'? I don't really care though haha. So the title "What happened?" has two uses. First use was about blogger.

Second, was to talk about what happened on Friday. It was kinda pissing off. So reached school, then got my things, then found out, HISTORY NEED TO BE HANDED UP.. THAT DAY! Kelvin lied to me! But, he didn't really know too. So all nerds: Kelvin, me, Brian, Jia Qing and Jun Jiu didn't bring the paper. So we asked for Afiq's paper, and then we took one big round from Fuji at block 123, which was closed, back to school, then all around. General Office, Library, Class, Library respectively ._. Finally finished it, and then we shopped around like some gays, in the morning.

Firstly, we go eat Subway, I didn't eat since I wasn't really hungry. Then we talked crap a lot in Subway, then Kelvin got stomachache TWICE, in a row. SUPER FUNNY. Then we went off because all of us want to go toilet. After that, we decided what to do.. Most of us decided to go nerf-ing, CUS Kelvin and Brian ACCIDENTALLY & PURPOSELY bring nerf respectively. But then Jia Qing feels that it's a disgrace to his intelligence LOL, so he wanted to play badminton. But in the end it was decided we play.. NERF!

On the way to our arena A.K.A Chong Soon's house, Brian was quarreling with his mother, BADLY. In the end, he went back home to show his mother his results, and then came back eventually. Jia Qing starting thought he sucked, but he wasn't, he's good. We all had fun, and even Fakhruz came! Did some stupid stuffs and then we went home. It was tiring.

There's nothing much to talk right now, and I'm super super hungry. Did one stupid Facebook quiz and said that I'm gay. I'M NOT GAY. OKAY! I'm going to go eat dinner now. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

- Quick Update! :

Yoyoyoyo! It's me again. It's kinda late and I'm getting kinda sleepy. It's not really late.. Only 10pm.. Just that I'm worn out. Quick update about what am I going to do tomorrow and what happened today.

So today was a boring yet quick and fun day. As I reached school at 7.20am, I rushed Literature until halfway. Going to finish it at tomorrow. Then kinda quick assembly, and literature was so.. boring or something like that. Holiday assignment. I think I like this year's literature DUE to Romeo & Juliet and Hamlet. I'm going to study hard for this year's examinations of literature, but I'm getting in History MOST PROBABLY. But History always get me falling asleep and tired.. 2 free periods of Art, and we talked crap. I hate it whenever Kelvin talks about.. sex and those.. Though we always laugh at his jokes and those, it's really not good to talk it at such public in our class. Maybe if we're having an outing together like nerf in an enclosed place, it's okay, but WHY NOW?! ._.

Maths, nothing much, also talked shit with Mr. Lai haha! Made fun of him LOL. So fun! Then did some graphs and whatever. English was okay, talking about paragraphs and those. Educating. Now I know it's much easier to write compositions haha. Next one was History which made me almost fall asleep. Chinese was okay too, thought I did not bring my books but actually was at the most back of under my table, and I didn't noticed it haha. Science was educating too. Didn't really understand much but after reading the textbook too, understood more.

Tuition was educating too. Did light + electricity was further in and I understood EVEN MORE. Haha.

Tomorrow after PTM it's either go back home as a nerd, or go LAN. It's either one of them. Most likely go home as a nerd to finish up tuition homework and literature. OMG I JUST REMEMBERED TOMORROW NEED PASS UP HISTORY. whoooooo! What a relief, confirmed that it's when school reopens.

Kay nothing much to write now. Just a quick update. Maybe playing dota later.. Might not cus I'm tired.. Gotta go. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

- Stupid Questions. :

Hello! It's me again. So it's really sad to say that we haven't had band for like 1 week already. And for today, there's no band, AGAIN, I don't really know why? Then we the Flautists being so so so hardworking, is having sectionals on Friday! Wheeee! Hope Jin Hui comes. He always slack ._. It's really hard for us to get better because of examinations and those. This period of time is actually what I call "Slacking Period", where we all slack all the way and not practice, hardly I mean. So the EOY examinations or the streaming is really important for my LIFE. I'm going to study hard hard hard.

You guys must be curious, why am I talking about band when the title says 'Stupid Questions'? My answer is.. it's random ._.

Okay now talking about 'Stupid Questions'. If everyone have childhood to Primary Schools, teachers would be like, "Do anyone of you have a question? Don't worry there's no such things as stupid questions." That's totally WRONG! Let me give you 2 examples.

Example no. 1:
Yesterday, while I was playing nerf. It was kind of a big event, this match. Dickson & Chong Soon vs. Kelvin & Tian Jie. So we were planning to infiltrate and CHIONG! After a while, our plan KINDA worked. I covered myself in a corner and just when I was about to "retreat" to continue infiltrating/charging in, Kelvin noticed me and shot me, the corner was like that, 4 corners of wall, then the right side of the corner has a vertical wall connecting the 2 corners. Then I was at bottom right, where vertical wall is connected when Kelvin shot me. So as he shot, I wanted to dodge BUT THERE WAS NO WAY TO RUN. I moved backwards and BAM, the back of my right foot hit the wall HARD. Then as it was raining very heavily yesterday, I slipped when I said "OW! Loudly" And fell to the ground, face landing. Luckily my hands and foot prevented my face and body hitting the ground. But it hurts very badly and I couldn't walk, I had to limp my way through them. And then Tian Jie asked, "Eh you okay or not?" Hmm... Nononono, I'm perfectly fine! I'm just acting very pain so that people would give me attention and that you guys would laugh at me badly.
OF COURSE I'M HURT! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THINK I SCREAMED BADLY FOR?! Lol, relax haha. So that's what you mean as STUPID QUESTION. You guys would see these questions asking whether you're alright or not when you're actually not. These = Stupid Questions (:

Another example was,
Hmm.. I totally forgotten the next example! ._. You know what? I'll edit the post if I'm free and remembered. Most probably not because I'm really lazy ._.

Now chatting with Tenthagon bro(Sam) and Taymin. So disgusting ._. Taymin is desperate! The Gon Brothers all the way!!! Ok time's up, I gotta finish up Literature, tuition homework, which is 2 compo and 1 letter WTF?! And shower.. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

- Nerf again! :

FINALLY! I'm back for blogging! Apologies for not blogging for quite a long time, always not updating often. Cus I'm pretty much playing games >< I have to take away the comp internet or whatever I have to do because I need to study very hard for EOY Exams, streaming is SUPER important.

So as the title says, I went to play nerf again! I nerfed like last last week or that, and then I lost like 2 bullets ): One was inside this bushes of so many plants, it was disgusting.. We couldn't find it as my bullet were totally BLACK. So we gave up finding these 2 bullets and I was emo-ing for quite a while. NAH! Lol.

Today we went to play, it was raining BADLY. I reached first at Northpoint, awaiting for Brian and Tian Jie and then meet up with Kelvin, Zhan Xing and Chong Soon. It was raining heavily so Brian couldn't get in the car, I had to go out of the car with an umbrella and wait with him for Tian Jie. We waited for like 10-20 minutes. It was boring, though we chatted. Then we reached Chong Soon's house, getting games ready.

So we played, it was awesome games. A lot of rules this time. WE WON KELVIN! Since his aiming's the best among all, and that Brian was really unlucky. I found out that he was actually pretty much abandoned because of us thinking that he suck. But now I know what to do already. Not to abandon him, and protect him. I'm sure he's of something use. So I teamed with Chong Soon, Tian Jie and Brian before. Won pretty much. Kelvin was good too. We did some stupid stuffs. And played some True or Dare. Super funny. Chong Soon chose dare, and then we decided the dare was to Point Blank(Close Range Shots) him on the balls / penis. It was FRIGGIN' funny. Zhan Xing told me to do this plan, shoot him + thrust him with the gun LOL. So he screamed like HELL. Also.. I FOUND MY LONG LOST BULLET! Some idiots cleared a part of the bushes there and Brian found it. But then almost when the game's ending, I LOST MY BULLET, AGAIN! So.. Back to square one? ):

Then in the middle of that we went to have some break, they went to eat while some of us bought some ice creams and those. We were talking about.. Sex? It was really funny, Kelvin's the joker haha. We all laugh because of him. Since we were all boys, he asked us: "Would you rather have sex with only one, or alot?" LOL man. Also asked about which countries.. Then the styles. Damn this guy who doesn't watch pornography is really curious about lots of things LOL.

Nothing much to talk about too.. There's homeworks to do, there's examination to study on. There's a lot to do. Time's running out, and I'm lacking out. Also, I changed my blogskin to.. VINCENT VALENTINE! <3 I LOVE HIM! "Where can I buy a phone?" Awesome! Gotta go do my Chinese homework. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.