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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Sunday, August 16, 2009

- Where do I begin.. :

God.. Where do I begin.. How long haven't I been blogging? Because of school work and the performances are really getting me stressed up. Also, I was very very very sick. So let's start with the day that I became sick, National Day Celebration, Friday 7 August 2009. So, I wasn't REALLY feeling well on Thursday 6 August 2009 night. My dad recommended me to take panadol, so, okay, I went to take one tablet and went to sleep. When I woke up, I was still feeling UNWELL. After going to school I forgotten to take thermometer with me. And they needed to take temperature.. So I asked Chong Soon's thermometer and took temperature. It was weirdly higher than my others, 37.4, but STILL not having a fever. So after watching the Parade from alot of them, I have to say, the performances from the UGs were pretty awesome, though Scouts' last one where their fireworks failed, and that one guy's eyes got the sparkles on it, and was helped by SJAB.

So after sitting for a while at the classroom, we went to the hall. I was feeling worst then, I kept begging Chong Soon to lend me the thermometer, he hesitated. But after having some help from Kelvin, he agreed and I took my temperature. Unfortunately it was a 37.7! I notified one teacher and he brought me to the General Office where I filled in the form and bla bla bla, and waited for my dad. So he brought me to the clinic, DANG I was FREAKIN' cold! And this clinic was very long. So after a very long waiting it was finally our turn, then I went in, he took temperature for me, 38.6.. Holy.. So took medicine, went back home rightaway. Ate some medicine, went to sleep I think, before that I took my temperature it was 39.1.. Zzz. Then let's skip to the next day's morning. I woke up and took the temperature, not getting better anywhere, it was 39.5. I took the medicine after eating my breakfast, which was actually nothing, I didn't really eat anything, as I was feeling nausea + really unwell. Went to sleep, SWEAT LIKE HELL. My mom helped me change my shirt like 3 times, because it was hecking wet.

Woke up in the afternoon to eat, then night time, took the temperature, 37.4! YAY! But was still quite hot. I forgotten one part was that, the doctor gave me a MC, how long? 1 Day from school, 10 day from CCA + Performance and PE. He asked what was my CCA before writing that MC. But I have a freakin' performance!!!!! Who cares.. Tuesday when going to school I went for band, I went for the performance on Wednesday. My leg was REALLY painful, the stupid shoes were so effin' tight.

Performance was pretty well, and Hazzry and I sang out loud there and we had fun inside the bus. After that, WEIRDLY, the band store COULDN'T OPEN! So we had some debriefs, and then we decided to go home, but my keys inside my bag, and that my dad just went out! I couldn't go home at all. Then I was talking to Mr. Zee when they screamed, "It's opened!!" Yay! Then the band store couldn't be closed now. So we had to move the instruments into the music room. Zzz, so many problems. Then I went home WITHOUT wearing my shoes since it hurt, alot.

So yea, that's it. This post's pretty short because it was summarised. And because of that I didn't update at that days, then after that, was because of school. School's pretty tight and busy for me, since EOY exams are coming soon and I really have to work hard. Also, I hardly play maple nowadays because LPQ is really boring. I did like 21 times already and 14 more to go! I have to work hard, but doing it really bores me. I rather MC. Sorry if you don't understand what I'm talking about, because this is the Maple Language! Lol. Ok I'm going off to do homework or play a while. Peace.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

- Lousy memories & random! :

So before I start the topic that I'm going to talk about, I have an announcement to make. I have officially became the "school's" MUFFIN BOY! That's what the auntie called me when I ALWAYS order muffin muffin muffin muffin xD. Also, it's pretty busy nowadays with band as there's a Ngee Ann City performance next week, so I needa work harder than ever yea? Sorry I don't update THAT often.

Also, this post is going to be a short one as firstly, I needa go eat dinner. Secondly, I have nothing much to talk about in this post. So the post title had said, "lousy memories". Who has lousy memories? Obviously, it's.. ME! I have started to KEEP forgetting what to do, especially for blog! A week ago and more, I was remembering and thinking two posts to talk about. I have lots to talk about in those two posts. But I have totally forgotten EVERYTHING! I only remember one but that wasn't important.. Dang man.. This thing always happens to me. Just as I want to do something, I JUST FORGOT TO DO IT! I felt that my blog's tagboard is pretty dead. They only tag at me when I update. C'mon I visit my own blog everyday to see who tagged, and no one did. SADSADSADSADSAD! ):

This is THE END OF THE POST, sadly. See how short is it? It's as short as.. ME! LOL. JinHui too! Haha. And SOMEONE!!! Lol. 148 only ! LOL. Sorry to insult you. Hope to see you yea? Haven't seen you for very long time.

I'm still thinking WHAT to write tomorrow! Oh yea, I'm changing blogskins soon. Like tomorrow after my tuition I'm going to change my blogskin. RELATED TO.. FFVII too! I lovelovelovelovelove Advent Children. Watched it twice already. I'm going to watch it again next time. Love Reno, Cloud, Vincent, Tifa and Sephiroth. Even though Sephiroth's evil, he's still awesome. Dang! I just remembered I left my Maths book in the school, where I need to do my tuition homeworks! Gotta rush it tomorrow ><

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

- School updates & memories of Ms. Yong. :

Alright! My blogger is working! Not sure for Hazzry's but mine is working right now in this computer too! Hooray! Anyways, as the title says, I'm talking about some school things at this post. I already had like 2-3 posts to talk about. Slowly post them down okay? So I AM quite busy with school and games(xD) and hardly have the time to actually update. I apologise for this thing. I found out something actually, why is my tag comes with the day that I update? After that, no one tags. What weird notice.

So school, hmm.. I'm starting to like school quite a lot. Especially English. It appears that Ms. Yong is really better than Ms. Zuraida. The way she teaches is really better than Ms. Zuraida. Sorry, Ms. Zuraida if you're reading this. But seriously, like what Eng Beng(my school neighbour) asked, "Why is she teaching us these primary school stuffs?" Yea, I was actually thinking of that too. I finally understood why. People do things, for a reason. Listening compre, and all, is actually teaching us how to listen carefully, co-operate with our partners and group mates. This improves us on listening on instructions and more. It's quite saddening to see her leave us yesterday. How I wish I was a girl then I hug her. Wait what? Ok nevermind. Hope she comes back to our school and be a teacher here. Our class would miss you, Ms. Yong!

Science is disgusting me. I have been totally disgusted by the diaphragm, IUDs, abortions and all. Even though I have learnt this before, it disgusted me BADLY, in how they put and those. Girls and women are so... sad.. It's so disgusting and uncomfortable whenever I did that chapter in school. Very disgusting. I don't wanna talk about it. Let's move on.

Maths are getting better and better and better. I like Mr. Soo much better now. I think, he's teaching in a good way. He taught us all of those chapters, able to understand the chapter well.

Art is cool. I like doing clay making. Slab work, coiling. It's fun! But abit too noisy yea? Lol. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* all the way.

History, HOW GREAT. SRP. AMAZING. I failed the effin' test 2/6 and I got into SRP. MONDAY, 2.40-4. So I have to rush to piano lesson till and reach by 4.15. great job.. GREAT JOB! I JUST DON'T WANT TO WORK HARD IN HISTORY!! Darnnnnnn! I have to work harddd! Grr... I better pull up my socks yea!

IT, FUUUNNNN! Did SexBot, CrushBot, BestFriendsBot, IQBot. Lol so fun yea! Sydney = Best friend, sex partner <3 LOL. Results ain't good at all. Worst is the SexBot for girls.. Siiiaaanns.

HomeEc. Funny. Last week, was "bribed". How funny. I was sabo-ed and given money. What happened? I'll tell you. We were briefing bla bla bla and then the formation of the funny thing was like that. Fakhruz beside Cynthia, Cynthia infront of Sydney, me beside Sydney. So what exactly happened was first started with Fakhruz. He took Sydney's hand and touched.. Cynthia's.. butt. LOLOL man.. Does this count as molest? Because Cynthia turned behind in a serious look. Then we say say, so Cynthia changed place with Sydney. Then Sydney was looking infront. So first attempt from Fakhruz, touch Sydney's butt, TOO. Himself. Softly at first. No reply. Then second time, funny, so I squatted down laughing. Sydney turned, thinking that I'm playing, said "Dickson stop playing la!". Mrs. Chew was like "Who playing?" So Sydney said it was me. Then tell me go to the back. I was like "NOT ME LA!". Then she said, "The other time also touch people's backside." I WAS INNOCENT!!! I've never touch touch around la! ._. Then for like 10 minutes or so? I have been standing at the door. Fakhruz then tell me from there, "I give you $2 later." LOL?! I actually didn't want it, then he said, "Last time didn't planjar you, now give you k?" Fakhruz sure had a kind-heart. Though he's crazy most of the time. He's amazing. I'm happy to have him as my friend.

Okay. BAND! Hmm.. I'm starting to get bored of band, and also start to love band. That's weird eh? I'm unhappy of band because I have found out, being a leader, destroys your life. Look at Ash? Look at last time's TJ? Look at.. Syazana? Look at.. Jing Heng? Look at.. currently.. Yanhong and Peisin maybe? I wouldn't wanna say anything but I'm getting pretty worked up BECAUSE of them. I wouldn't really wanna give my temper.. Maybe I would just walk off like nobody cares. Who bothers.. Love band.. Mainly because of Blue Ridge Saga? And more.. Hmm.. Mr. Er? LOL. You shouldn't think that I'm gay but.. Mr. Er's pretty good. We all think, oh he suck, he gay. NO! He does look like and act like sissy.. But he doesn't suck! He's a good conductor! He give attitude.. So what? Maybe sometimes he gave, but obviously it's for a reason what.. Ok nothing to talk about him, or anything.

Hmm.. I guess there's nothing much to talk about school? There's a lot more to talk about other stuffs. So it's kinda late, around 11:14PM, I was resting so I didn't bother to change the post time. I'm going to go sleep now. Nowadays so late sleep, having insufficient sleep.. Shack.. Cya!


Its a sin that I could not deny.