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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Saturday, July 25, 2009

- Today :

Got another topic for myself for today, AGAIN. So my another post will be delayed till tomorrow most probably.

So as the topic says, I'm talking about TODAY. So today I woke up rather late. Slept at around 11pm if I'm not wrong? And woke at 8.27am! Ohmygod that's so late! Very long.. Was supposed to wake before 8am, because told Sharon that we would MC till 8.45am then she goes for tuition. So played Maple for a while and then I went for McDonalds. After having my breakfast, found out that there's a lot of things I need to restock this year. Also, I got a plan from my mother! After my grade 2 exams in piano, which is around sec.3, I'll officially have a piano! WHEEEE! Then after my 'O' Levels in Sec.4, I'll officially have my own.. Notebook! SOMETIMES I prefer both of them one by one. I prefer computer as I can play games. I prefer Notebook, because I can do alot of stuffs except for playing.

But I now prefer Notebook, because I would want to quit playing. BUT! I would play Maple and WC3, STILL. I would install both of them into my Notebook, then my CS4 set, don't know how old would it be by then. I BOUGHT THEM AT SEC.1 ! I think I haven't used them since that time I bought it for $99. Hope it would work after 2 years. WAIT MY CS4!! Hahs. WC3 for vids in YouTube, Maple MAYBE would put into YouTube, but for entertainment. Not like showing them some vids of me owning HT? Hahs. I got a lot of programs to be put into my FUTURE NOTEBOOK! I found out that my mother actually cares A LOT about me. We are actually in a financial crisis, as my father lost his job. We did not asked for financial assistance but we're losing money. Now I'm trying my best to save as much as money so that I can buy some useless stuffs MYSELF. Like earpiece? MAYBE FBT? Hahs, most probably my permanent games are: Maple and WC3, until I grow more mature. I think I would be immature till I'm officially adult. I would never be a teen. LOLs. That's kinda lame. I would rather stay teen forever. Young forever!

Tuition was VERY BORING. I was sleeping for an hour basically. Because I am doing English! The stupid comprehension passage has so many vocabs that I barely understood, and so chimmed. It jumps from one to another that I could hardly understand what the passage is talking about! So I was closing my eyes, opening back to try not to sleep for an hour, till I got shocked by a calculator drop from one of the tuition mate. It kinda made me back up, but later I was sleepy again. Fortunately I started asking questions for my teacher, making me awake. So after that went to have lunch, then go shop. Boring.

Came back, MC-ed with Sharon again. Sorry for being late AGAIN ><, while my mother went to go research on the high-class buffet. Why? Because tomorrow is my dear eldest brother's birthday!!! Hah. Even though I hated his attitude EVERY SINGLE TIME. But yo, he's my brother! He's the best gamer I've ever seen in my entire life! Though we all didn't like him quitting school like my 2nd brother, I liked how he play games BECAUSE I like playing. But anyway, what's done has been done. My brothers lost interest in school, and always have been playing. Alot of you should know these facts yea? Even my tuition teacher said that I am the only hope for my mother. I know that too. So I have to work hard and SAY NO TO ADDICTION!!! I'm going out of topic, I think I might have ADHD! Dang... Okay back to topic, too bad there's no slots when we tried booking. The reasons why we are trying to book TODAY, is because he have to go back to NS tomorrow. So we tried booking tomorrow LUNCH since he needs to go back as I said. No slots, only outside, no air-conditioner. That's okay.. So we booked. Alright! High-class~~~ We have to spend because it's our family member that we're talking about!

Now Sharon went off to batminton. Now I'm KINDA alone. Found out that I can actually update my blog with blogger with no LOOKS of bugs in another computer! Cool yea? I love my computer. It's loved <3 LOL. So now it's kinda late, around, 6.11PM. I have to go off to do some homeworks maybe.. Or have a rest. Yea, buhbye!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

- Bugged? :

This post actually has nothing to do about my ACTUAL post.

Just found out that blogger is kinda bugged. Especially at the part where I wanted to post. All of them would somehow jumble up together and now most of us thinks that we can't post. Luckily, Sharon taught me the way. So if anyone would be seeing my blog, just type everything out in the preview and press Publish Post. That's simple, isn't it?

BECAUSE of the 'rumour' saying that blogger is bugged, I did not even BOTHER to try posting. So, my apologies and now I'm posting! Just a short post. Now playing Maple. I got SO MUCH to talk about . But after my tuition, yea? So cya !


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

- Just another update. :

Just one short update saying that I'm SLEEPING RIGHT NOW!!!! BYEBYE!!! GOODNIGHT !
NAH! Just kidding! I'm not sleeping THAT soon. But after some doing of home ec. I'm sleeping. I'm finally sleeping at my ROOM!!! ALRIGHT! Anyway, just a short update to tell you guys that it's pretty late and there's school tomorrow, so I don't wish to update one super long post about what I want to say. I already thought of the title, and this title, I have already thought of it long time ago, just that I don't have the time to post.

Some weird things have been happening, I just found out my hair's dropping. It's a random fact. Weird huh.. It's dropping for quite a while already. It's like when I use my hand and, like, shove across my hair, I see my fingers and palm, having strands of hair.. Damn! This thing is going to be in my next post though.

OH I JUST REMEMBERED. Time to reveal the answer for the question that you guys wanting to know. Which organism has the longest penis! Answer: Barnacles! If you don't know who are these organisms, search it in wikipedia. Its penis is 8 times longer than ITS SIZE! HOLY CRAP?! Because of their SMALL size, and stuck to the wall like algaes, it has to grow super long penis to do sexual intercourse AKA sex and mate, to continue its generation. Hah!

Actually this post is pretty long ! Hah but I think there're more to talk about tomorrow. I gotta sleep soon. Full of homeworks not even done. I just type very fast so it seemed to be pretty short. Anyway, hope you had fun in your weekends. I had pretty much. Played maple and do Jumping Quest with Sharon. Hah. It was fun. I actually had something to talk about, but I have forgotten it AGAIN! So sorry guys. Peace!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

- FFVII Crisis Core! :

So sorry I haven't updated for quite a while. Was so engrossed in studies. NOT! Haha. I'm gonna talk A LIL' about school.

Finally, Sexual Reproduction! Mrs. Wong gave us a random question, WHAT ORGANISM HAS THE LONGEST PENIS?! Answer: ME!!! LOL JKJK. I won't tell the answer now, so go check it out in wikipedia or something. I'll reveal tomorrow! Haha!

And a piece of super 'GOOD' news. My FFVII Crisis Core finally reaching the near last parts. Then I used 7 Goddess Materias to summon one super big monster(i know i'm dumb), and I lost to him. Luckily I saved just next to that monster. So, I know I wouldn't defeat him so I was bored. I decided to create a new account, just to refresh my memory. After playing for a few while and reaching a place, I saved and see, just to realised, I overwrited my that pro account which is near the last part, with my new account.. So.. I have to restart the.. WHOLE GAME AGAIN. WHAT THE ****??!!

I apologise if you don't understand anything, but I recommend you play this game. It's.. AMAZING.

This update is just to talk to you guys about FFVII: Crisis Core. It's a PSP game, obviously the series of Final Fantasy. I personally think thatthis series is the best among all THOUGH I have not played the others, since I don't have PS2 and others. It's a story about this person, Zack, whose dream is to become a hero. So as time goes by he gets to know a lot of people and then he starts to fight and finds out a lot of tragedic things happening. He works as a 2nd Class SOLDIER in a company named Shinra at first. But after that, he became a 1st Class SOLDIER. A lot of things happened as time goes by, and the Shinra Company goes pretty screwed up. At the ending, THE SAD PART is that Zack dies.. That ending was very tragedic. Play the game. It's amazingly amazing.

I don't have much to talk about, sorry I hardly update. Now I'm playing maple with Kityin. Peace!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Monday, July 13, 2009

- Peer Pressure and Infection? :

Hello ! I'm back ! Sorry I posted at THIS time, but not at 6PM. Was busy helping my friend. So as the title says, I've gone through peer pressure. If a lot of you don't know, many of my classmates, are playing MapleSEA. And of course, they gave me pressure, they came in groups and push me. I was fighting hard and say "NO! Maple is LAME!" But then, they went in larger groups and pushed me to the edge until I couldn't run anymore and fight anymore... I GAVE IN.. I.. played Maple. Damnit.. Look at me now! I'm online everyday just to catch up my friends! But bad thing is they're using HACK! Cheaters!

Maple is getting more fun, THOUGH it's still 2D, it has added more functions and helpful things, that make us training faster and there are more efficiency now. I'm not introducing to anyone, but it's really cool. If you're interested, hit me up, I would help you in any case. So I was helping out Kityin in doing party quests more and more and more. And I have to purposely die, because if I level up, I can't help him anymore. The virus infecting me too, I 'm getting into Maple quite a lot until I start asking questions from my friend, and I have to not care about my studies. But, obviously, my mind's got to be clear.

There's not really anything to talk about school, and that this title has nothing to be concerned about school stuffs, but just some off-the-topic things. Sumit was sabo-ed by Victor and Tian Jie for vandalising the table. It was 'Revenge of Victor"! Victor was sabo-ed by Sumit for copying homework, HE GETS HIS REVENGE! BOOM! Revenge successful!

Also, Bervlyn introduced me to something very very funny, much more funnier than NigaHiga since he's running out of idea. PETER CHAO! Holy crap he's one funny guy! But note you gotta be more than 18 in YouTube to watch it, because he has some excessive of vulgarities. You could watch it at http://youtube.com/user/pyrobooby/ or http://youtube.com/user/PeterChaoTime/ check him out and tell me if they're funny by tagging at the cbox!

Also, there's a lot much things that is happening now. I have a lot to talk about, but I would talk about it tomorrow at another post! So find time to read tomorrow yea! 2 things more I wanna say:
1. I'm somehow going to NOT talk about school life. Not anymore, but I will just think about a topic to talk about, and then just type it out. If not, A LIL' school life will be put in it. But even if I don't have any ideas, I would post up talking about me having no ideas and talk about a bit of school stuffs, if necessary.
2. I have a new MSN Account: xExodius@gmail.com please add me when you read this. If not, I'll have to put it on my msn message, saying about it. Then people will start complaining why I keep changing and changing, because I wanted a gmail ._. That's all rofls.

It's also fun to play Maple and have more friends and more friends. Audition, Maple. A lot. Playing these online games is good to make more friends haha. That's all man. Remember to check it out tomorrow. CYA!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I haven't updated for a pretty long while already. But this post would be a little short for now. The post title's thought, and the reason's going to be up now. It's already very late, and I have to finish up my english composition. I have no more time to update right now. So I'll update tomorrow. After my piano lesson. I'm also deciding to change my blogskin to a skin about Cloud Strife from.. Final Fantasy! In love with them, yea? So I'm going to finish up now. Goodnights!

Its a sin that I could not deny.