Sunday, June 28, 2009
In memories of..
How long haven't I been posting?! Because I have a very tight schedule! So sorry guys. Wonder what would happen if I stop blogging again.. Gotta tell my friend to control me..
So holidays are really boring from afternoon till night is just sleeping sleeping and sleeping. Morning to afternoon is just tuition, band, tuition, band and the cycle goes again.
Just found out, how stupid of me to not care about studies, school and homeworks. I'm getting the virus from my brothers. NO! I'm never going to be like them.. Okay, COMPUTER IS OUT OF MY HEAD SOON! Have to be soon. Anyway, note that: I think as I write. I write like how I speak. If I make a mistake I wouldn't erase, unless it's a spelling mistake.
So, since it's only one day left before the school reopens, I'm only caring about English. Not Maths. It's way too much. 5 Chapters in a day, dude I'm a Maths genius but not a Maths god and a writing god. I don't think that fast.. So I decided to let go Maths and get scolded.. English is almost done, so I'm going to finish up today morning.
Anyway, I'm making this post PRETTY short since I haven't remembered most of the things. I remembered some only. On Band, Mr. Neo kinda pushed me to most of my limits to play louder, but I sure do need a bit more air. But I see A LOT of improvements in my tone. Even Mr. Er said that we did fuller. Sad thing, I OVERSLEPT! Ohmygod. Luckily, I escaped. At the last part, Mr. Chin came to talk to us about the Cruise. But Junyang and I was in the room. Since we're not going, we thought we could leave. So we went to the atrium, found out that the sec.1s have left, then we asked Yanhong if we could leave. She agreed then we left, WEIRD, there's no sec. 2s there!
We didn't bothered, then Junyang and I was waiting for the long long bus.
still waiting...
Have not appeared yet! Then we saw Suria, then more main band people start coming out.. Wow, I guess we went out too early? We even saw those not going for Cruise now then come out. Lol, don't care!!
Kityin recommended me on Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. So I went to download. I was still awake at 1.00am yesterday.. When I was supposed to wake up at 3.45am as my mother is going to.. Thailand! T_T. I was missing her now.. I woke up at 3.45am straight -.- and weird thing was, I was suddenly dreaming on something that LINKED to my alarm, making me awake. I found it weird too. I don't control my dreams, anyway.
Also, I decided not to post anything about my family problems, maybe I would just keep it to myself. I tend to get quite worked up when I speak about them. So, no more talking about my family. Sorry if anyone would like to hear how angry am I and laughing about my family problems -.-
Also, was watching some videos in Youtube and then I came upon the video from a Youtuber that I like alot, talking about.. Michael Jackson. Then I read the description box, I found out, Michael Jackson's dead? I didn't really know that. Actually, I don't really listen to his song, his dance moves. But at least I heard the Moonwalk! So, I didn't really know about his death. I thought he died long ago, or was still alive all the while ><
So R.I.P Michael Jackson, went to hear your song, and your dance moves were fantastic, especially at your Billie Jean. It was amazing. Your songs will never die in all your fans' hearts (:
Also, R.I.P to my hair!!!! I went to cut it today, and I told the barber short, and she cut until super short! Now I feel like a completely weirdo, but it feels safer for my pimples to never come out! You know how life was hard today when I was showering? I usually use press 2 FULL time, so the shampoo was pretty much out, but just enough for my long hair. Just now, I pressed twice full, and I just remembered, "Ohno, I just cut my hair, that's too much.." I put off most of it, then I put it on my hair, IT'S TOO MUCH WTF!! So I think I only need to press 1/4 time only? T_T Also, usually I use pimple cream, or face cleanser(yes I use it), I would need to push my hair up, this time, need not. Just put like that, no interruption -.-
Ohkay there's not much to talk about, now it's already 2:50am, it's very late and I need to sleep to wake up early and finish ALL my homeworks except for Maths. Maybe do as much as possible? AND MY GEOGRAPHY GROUP HAVE NOT DONE THE GEOGRAPHY PROJECT AT ALL. NOT YET !!! Zzz.. Nevermind. Ima contact them this afternoon.
Ohya, forgotten to say about Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. It was amazing. Though there's quite a few things to do, I loved the animations, and the playing of Zack. I love how Genesis look! Also Sephiroth, but not that much about Angeal. Zack's awesome too. I felt that Genesis and Sephiroth are the most amazing. Sephiroth was good? What?! Genesis' evil?! I always thought it's the opposite since Sephiroth fought Cloud at Advent Children. But I like all of their swords. It's amazing!! Haha. And how Genesis talk about LOVELESS. Overall, I start to like Final Fantasy. So I'm thanking Kityin for introducing to me (:
Also I'm going to watch Advent Children when I'm free. Cya!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to ... JUNYANG!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!
This song was dedicated to my bandmate, Junyang!!! Thanks for all the hot moments that you and I had fun on the first year, the scoops, the jokes, the laughs, it's all so memoriable. Too bad that the necessaries of band separated us, leaving me at the only flute section while you go to percussion section. I miss chatting to you. Hope we have more time to play together. I'm sorry I don't have much money to give you a present as my family kinda in Financial Assistance once again. Hope you forgive me (: But we sure do have a surprise! Haha. Happy birthday once again! Pamper yourself in your birthday, birthday boyyyy!
Monday, June 15, 2009
I have to do something about it.
Finally have time to blog. Was SO BUSY! On the computer playing games..
The title "I have to do something about it." has a meaning in it. I have to do something about my addictions towards Warcraft III - Frozen Throne and more games. I have to control a lil'. Holidays surely are boring and yet I'm spending ALL my time on the computer, like from morning to midnight, when there are holiday assignments and projects to finish up. Last 2 weeks and I'm going to start to rush. Last 2 weeks and I'm going to start EXERCISING! That's a good point. Like what my mom said, I have to do what I say, but I'm not. I'm saying I'm jogging YET I'm staying home.
So many days of not posting and I have to remember some particular events that were nice.
Still thinking.....
Still thinking......
I GOT IT! I remember one! The day that we went to Suntec City for PC Show. I was quite in a foul mood that day. Since I was really unhappy with what my eldest brother said and how selfish he is. We were eating lunch when we said we needa buy a new computer. Then my eldest brother said wait till Diablo 3 is out and then we buy. Then I did not really like Diablo 3 that much and disagrees to it. Guess what he said? "Also not you use." WOW, WOW, WOW! Not I use? Then what? Only he use? Then you go NS, I stare at the computer only la. "I use my money I get in NS to buy one lo". Okay la! No one's stopping you. You want to waste your money, feel free to. You like spending all your money and wasting your money just because you think that lil' money of yours from your NS would do the work, fine lol. I don't really care.
Sometimes I really wonder how come I have such brothers. Addicted to computers, selfish JUST because he thinks that he is the biggest in all we 3, and have the rights to think everything best are to him, while the extras are to us. That is how selfish and extreme an addiction to be able to go. I don't wish to get there, yes I'm extreme but not at the point that it's for my own good. His type of extreme is using any means to get what he wants: violence, vulgarities. He scolded me for being rude, having bad attitude and I simply just screamed 'NO' because he wanted to play the computer when I was playing a RPG that needs to be saved. "This kind of attitude, I punch you till you bleed then you know. This kind of fucked up attitude, I seriously can punch you." Wow, I wonder who's attitude is better, a person who scream because his brother was being selfish, or a son of a bitch who scolds vulgarities and saying threatening things to his OWN little brother? If he sees this, please think about it. You need some fucking soul-searching.
2 long paragraphs of venting my anger.. Sorry whoever's reading this. Was really unhappy with how my family members do things. I'm going to continue my story. After eating lunch, we went to the PC Show. Was not as crowded as the other time but still very squeezy. Then walked around, my dad only wanted to see the TVs. How weird of him, 3RD TIME, said "Buy TV ar!" After the 3rd time we came here. We went home with no big TVs inside our car boot. He walked towards the TV ONLY. While we wanted to see laptops, computers, other things. He don't really care about us at all. My mom wanted to buy a laptop fan, he don't care. I needed a new earpiece, he don't care. Bought a earpiece. Wanted the bluetooth single-eared one, but was in no use, so decided to take a wired, since mine abit spoilt. First there was 2: One is orange(eew I prefer the plain one..) which is more expensive, has remote control. Another one is with hooks(I WANTED) which is cheaper, plain. I don't know which to choose, then I ask my mom, my mom was like, "You choose la, is not I use also. If you tell me choose, I obviously would choose the cheaper one la. *laugh a bit*". I prefered the hook one, so I just said, the cheaper one. "That one more worth what, got remote control. Buy that one la." I was like 'You tell me choose and you choose for me. Whatthe****..' . "WHATEVER LA!" She tell me choose then she tell me which to choose. Obviously not happy la.. Not giving me freedom. We already partly Financial Assistance liao then still buy the more expensive when the one cheaper is more worth, that's what I thought. I don't even need remote control, somemore so small the remote. I rather hold my phone then putting it inside a bag or my pocket since it will kill my sperms and I sms a lot. Zzz la her.
Then another pissed off thing, finished, want go drink water. Simply just go buy soya bean uh, coke, bubbletea, coffee, okay already what.. They still want CHOOSE. Move around SO LONG. In the end, go into a hawker centre. I thought eat somemore. Go in, BUY COKE AND MILO. Dots.. This hawker centre, FAIL, no coke, got pepsi, no 100Plus, got sprite, got milo, NO ICE MILO. I wonder what they have ice cubes for -.- Then went to Carrefour to buy some things. Initially decided to eat steamboat. Bought prawns, wanted to buy some sliced fishes, or fishballs. FAIL, don't have AT ALL -.-
Went home, ate normal dinner, no more steamboat. ANOTHER FAIL.
Found out that there's a lot of old games that were extremely nice yet I stopped playing. Continued playing today and it was awesome!
I seem to talk lesser to her nowadays. No.1: We have totally nothing to talk abuot.. No.2: She cannot exceed her phone bills if not GG-fied.
There's nothing much to talk about now. So I'm going off to bed as there is band tomorrow at 8.30-12.30. Lookig forward to play Shrek Dance Party, Thunderer and WHEN YOU BELIEVE!!!! Maybe not even playing all of them since we have ran through all of them. Once again, enjoy your last minute of fun whoever the people having brithdays at today.
hope your head feels betterGoodnight
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Give me comments.
Okay this post would be slightly short because I just want to ask for your opinions if I should change a blogskin. Firdaus said it's too bright, so maybe I should change to something more duller? Please give me comments yea! I would edit it fast (:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Life still has to go on.
So bored after the 5 long pathetic hours of band facing Mr. Er. I must admit, he's pretty good conductor and some thing he said, makes sense, and others, bullcraps perhaps? He is a guy to laugh at. Because his actions are funny. Anyway, band is getting better. Even though songs like Limbo Rock, Dance w/ Wolves are SHIT, I loved 2 good songs, Thunderer from don't know who, and When You Believe from Prince of Egypt. It's AWESOME.
Anyway this would be a short post since I don't really have anything to say. I needa exercise.. I'm stucked with the computer like everyday.. Idiotic Kityin make me stuck with Twilight's Eve lol. Anyway, I think I have to stop. I will have to stop coming online, and then go exercise like in the afternoon after band TOMORROW. So contact me if there's anything important, through the phone.
I pretty fell in love with Nobody by the Wonder Girls. It's a nice song. The song is fantastic, not only the song, the girls are too LOL. They are chio bus LOL, and there's this performance I saw at the youtube, wow they are so...... ***. I am getting more and more pervertic ohmygod. I think their performance and in the MV is 2 different things. They look kinda weird during the MV. I'm going to show you the video next post or something. YOU WILL LOVE THEM!!! Haha I'm weird -.-
So bored staying at home everyday. Tomorrow would be a very bad day. 8.30am - 12.30am band again. Damnit luckily I won't get hungry easily (:
Okay I'm going off to bed, it's like 1am already. only 5 hours to sleep. I would die of exhaustion. Cya!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Last minute before your birthday is over and yet I'm still thinking of it..-dickson
This is probably the best thing I've ever written in my entire life. I mean FOR NOW. I created this just a few days ago, thinking that this would be a good thing to write when people's birthday ALMOST ended. So tell me how you feel about this sentence by tagging! Anyway, there's like 4 people I know having birthday today! Xiao Qi, Suran, Jian Yu and Kwei Kgeng(don't know him but whatever)!
Sorry for not posting for like a few days because I stopped having the feeling for blogging. Like ALWAYS. Too addicted to youtube and MUSIC! Also it has always been fun talking to friends haha. And I started to liking to go out nowadays. Now I'm going to state down what did I do these few days. Also, I now started to fall in love with the korean version of Insomnia. Because it's very catchy and techno-ish(is it?) and it's kinda nice to hear.
Band! Woke up at like 8++ and was almost late! And so what?! I'm like the only FLUTE GUY EARLY! Lol. I felt so lonely -.- Luckily Viknesh came. But our juniors did not appeared. NOT ONE! Stock check. Boring band actually. Mr. Ong came instead of Mr Er and it was bad.. It was SO FUNNY when he kept on tripping on my stand leg. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. You have eyes or not! Lynn said I did it on purpose but he obviously have no eyes -.- So after that 1 junior came in. SL/ASL supposed to stay and take down notes. Wa shit I teaching the junior. And hey, I'm doing quite well! Then another one came, her embrochure just will keep going off. Nevermind.. Then wait for Viknesh come, HE PANG SEH ME GO PRACTICE HIMSELF. Then after awhile Chrystal came. YAY MISS HER! BUT SHE PANG SEH ME TOO! Luckily behind they helped. Then we all keep slacking, then we talk alot. Very funny things. Then Hazzry and their Maths Olympiad nerds came off and Hazzry pang seh me go off -.- Then went home with Yanhong and Shaik and Junyang. Nothing much I think.
Went for tuition. Nothing much LAWL! Learnt Science, Ecology, AGAIN! Boring chapter.
TUITION AGAIN! Nothing much too! Learnt Maths. Sphere! And did Vocabulary! Hah cool!
SENTOSA TRIP! I first said I won't go but after hearing a lot of them going, I'm going! Russssshhhhh! Reached Yishun MRT kinda late with Alin because HE TOOK SUCH A LONG TIME SHOWERING AND PREPARING! What an idiot vain guy even though he doesn't look handsome AT ALL! -.- Waited for Haziq and then took MRT. Played Midnight Club L.A. Remix with Sydney. Then we did not do anything for quite a long time. Reached Vivo City. Shopped around with Brian, Alin, Jun Jiu, Victor and Kelvin. Went for ToysRUs, checked out the nerfs. CLEAR MAVERICK! Hah! Longshot! COOL! All stocks were there. Amazing. Continue shopping and went off to meet together at 12.00 after they eat. Alin went missing. Omg! But found him. Went to toilet. ASS! NO PHONE DON'T ANYHOW RUN LA! -.-
Took train to Sentosa. So funny! Haha. Then took the car or whatever to reach Siloso Beach. Whee! Fun! Walked around and WOW. Amazing GIRLS IN BIKINIS! Opps shouldn't be that dirty HAHA! Then went to play Volleyball with them. Took off my shoes, idiotic to wear shoes. EFFIN' HOT SAND!!!!! Walked around until we made a new thing, dig a hole and our legs wouldn't be that hot! Okay had some fun at the volleyball until we can't tahan the heat and everyone rushed towards the water! LOL! Bad thing is Brian, Alin and I couldn't really swim well hahas. Played around. DAMN THE WATER IS SO SALTY. Bervlyn lost his specs. Sad case ): Huiying is fun to throw sand at LOL. Even though she does revenge alot. Yilin doesn't do revenge AT ALL. At least better than Huiying lo! Sorry for throwing at you LOL. Fun ma! Victor extra sia. Accidentally throw at him he could throwing at me -.- So much fun throwing around and then went to shower. No extra clothes but WHO CARES haha! Showered, went back to Vivo City. Separated with Sydney they all, went to Starbucks to buy my Cafe Mocha Venti, $7. Pok gai! Then went to burger king with Brian and Kelvin. We talked a lot of rubbish about guns. And we all had different thinkings. Kelvin only think of winning. I only thought of normal talkings. Lols. Then we went to ToysRUs and I got my Clear Maverick $26.90! Wouldn't think that fate has brought us back together when we 3 went to the MRT station and saw their gang! They went off to watch movie later while Brian, Kelvin and I went back home. Talked about AntiVirus and comp shits. Nobody said goodbye to me ): nevermind haha i acted emo! Was so squeezy in the MRT. Felt so uncomfortable when Yanfang and Afiq kept pushing/touching me accidentally. UNCOMFORTABLE. Don't know why sia. Maybe going through puberty cannot like that LOL. Don't know what am I talking about. Then went back home to try out my Clear Maverick SECRETLY. AMAZING! The bullets were not suction darts but quite hard sponge + no suction but a soft thing and the power of the nerf was amazing. The darts just bounce and flew around when I shot it. Almost lost some. Shot myself and OW, hurts!
Once again happy birthday to all other people having birthday on today. Enjoy your last minute of your birthday! Haha. Did not expect to go out but Hazzry told me to go out and I asked my parents if it was okay. I was surprised on how they are actually giving me quite a lot of freedom nowadays. But I need to focus on my studies too. Went out with them and then went to arcade to play while of Guitar Hero. Eew I sucked pretty much. First time -.- Then saw DJ Max touch screen. Cool Ima try it next time. Then went to McDonalds for them to eat and we playing PSP. After a while, decided to leave for Civics Centre. Used earpiece for like an hour until one idiotic librarian told us to leave. Then went off to McDonalds AGAIN. This time another one. And no one told us to leave muahaha. They helped me in Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce then went home. Took 962 with them and I left off.
Okay at night barely did anything since I fell asleep after a while. Downloaded Patapon 2 and Monster Hunter 2. So sad that I can't play Twilight's Eve with Kityin for like 3 days since my effin' bro and his girlfriend came back home and hog the computer like everyday. NO CHANGE AT ALL LA! -.- And I just remembered I closed the conversation of Brian's and mine about the holiday assignments and I'm going to ask again for it. So sorry Brian ): Played some lame games with Huiying then she went to sleep while I'm going to sleep soon now! Getting very late so GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!
Monday, June 1, 2009
This is a series of Nerfs me and my friends have seen. Only 6 of them. Others you could buy it online or something? Just check it out in Populars.

Nerf N-Strike Secret Strike AS-1. Price: $6.90
Nerf N-Strike Nite Finder. Price: $16.90

Nerf N-Strike Maverick REV-6. Price: $21.90

Nerf N-Strike Recon CS-6. Price: $46.90.

Nerf N-Strike Longshot CS-6. Price: $79.90
Nerf N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25. Price: $99.90.
So yea that's it! These are the nerfs that are currently available in Singapore. Get it from Popular, Metro, ToysRUs, Takashimaya, Isetan and more! I also found some more nice guns not available in Singapore. These are the guns:

Nerf N-Strike Buzz Saw. This is a cute one LOL.

Nerf N-Strike Switch Shot. Looks a bit weird uh?

Nerf N-Strike Firefly. This looks cool to me. Look like a real gun. Better than Maverick.

Nerf N-Strike Unity Power System. WOAH! THIS ONE IS AMAZING! Missile + hard darts. Ow! Amazing gun uh. 3-in-1 . I don't know where's the last one though. Just now this is amazing.
This is it! Hope you like these nerfs and join with me! Not really. Anyways, there are still dart tags nerf guns but it's REALLY LAME! I'm actually saving money to buy a Longshot CS-6 and kinda show off to Brandon since he has Recon CS-6. Hah! So yea it's pretty late now. 12:49AM, 1st June? I've decided to find time to run everyday morning. Yea! Cya!