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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Friday, April 24, 2009

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you know i never wanted to be friends (:

Hey people I'm back again. Though Mid-Year Examinations are coming soon, I still need to update everyone about life eh? So schools pretty good. Alin is pretty annoying, so are the humans sitting opposite me. Especially Brandon, Tian Jie, Jun Jiu, Fakhruz and Chong Soon. Somehow it's natural to flirt when you are sitting with GIRLS around you! It's really natural uh. Also, I did not really want to flirt, it's like, chatting la. I bored what, so just chat lo.. Then Brandon they all say I speak very loud. Okay sorry, will try to lower my volume but it's not flirting also.. Then Jia Xuan and Hui Ying keep complaining I always call for Yilin, it's because she's sitting in the middle so I call her will like make you 2 to know that I'm actually calling all 3 of you all ma.. Too bad they don't come to my blog haha. Nowadays very little come to my blog.. Is it because I need to go to other people's blogs to tell them that I have relinked? Lazy uh. PS: You know I won't flirt with girls, I would only flirt with one girl (:

Subjects are getting pretty good. Maybe it's also natural for me to get into the nerd mood when you finally found out that it's 1 week away from Mid-Year Examinations. I will seriously be serious about studying. Humanities will be inside my mind A LOT. So something sad happened to my phone and it's because of my stupidity. Yesterday I wanted to go to sleep, then I thought my brother would go use my phone and go do the @ Cash shit, so I went to try to lock the SIM card. What happened was I don't know the PIN code, OH SHIT, then I went to try some. Then used finish.. They asked for PUK code, OH I DON'T KNOW EITHER. Then cannot like off the phone and go away from there, then I worry a bit. I went to anyhow spam, in the end causing my SIM card to be rejected to any phones -.- Now I have to contact the operator. My good charcoal friend, Ash, lend me his phone to sms, and his phone is some bullshit except for the fact that it has unlimited sms. Another thing, during science, I was so stupid to went to open the vinegar and tried to smell it. Obviously, it's not as the same smell as the real cooking vinegar I think, it's white in colour. The super duper strong smell got into my noise and I thought I was poisoned. I did not went to inform Mrs. Wong. If I was poisoned I have to say to the girl that I like her (: I mean I love her (: The super duper strong smell did not got into my head but it felt really bad and I was FREAKING OUT. Idiotic acidic smell. I HATE YOU!!! Lol.

Soon to Mid-Year Examinations so I will have to start studying like the others. Maths would just a quick runthrough. For Science it's quite a lot since there's Section B and those shits. Need knowledge, not only calculations ): For Chinese and English.. Just try to learn more idioms, metaphors, personifications and similes lo. For Humanities, I must start from square one. Jiayous in Language and Humans!
You can do it, Dickson. Show the world what's the Heart Break Kid Jr is made of (:

I'm off now. Getting more and more tired nowadays. Also, I haven't finished my 2 compos for tuition. I didn't hand in on Thursday, hope not to not pass up tomorrow. Will rush it tomorrow morning. I just anyhow do uh. I haven't even showered yet YOU KNOW!!! I'M DIRTY ): Goodnight!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Sorry for not updating for such a long time. Facebook kinda made me addicted to it. So is the computer. But too bad Mid-Year Examinations are coming up soon and I have to focus sooner or later. But I'm still having the computer and slacking mood. I have to buckle up. Science is okay already, but English, Literature, History and Geography aren't getting any better. Today for History test, Alin and I did some copying of the paper, but too bad, quite a failure that Mr. Lee ended the whole thing early. Overall, I rephrased everything myself and did some on my own as I remembered quite a lot before school started. I don't really know for Alin but whatever (:

English was still pretty bad for me, because talking about Facebook is kinda lame. Somemore we are supposed to write a summary about Facebook? I rather read a comprehension or composition and write a summary about it. Facebook would be pretty bad, worst was, the author wrote bad things about Facebook. Damn her!!!! Maths was stablilised now. Not really a genius anymore, but still able to solve sums. Still remembered that I revised my Elimination/Substitution through MSN by helping Xiao Qi out lol. Then for Geography, teacher didn't appear as we went for Health Check. I thought I heard that they were going to check our penis but luckily it wasn't, it was checking our backbone. PHEW! I seriously needed help for Geography, if not during MYE, I will fail and get scolded by few teachers or parents or whatever badly. Literature, WORST. Even though there were lesson for it, I hardly paid attention as I had few interest in Literature. I would hardly give my interest into poems and shits. But because of examinations, I have to work hard.

NAPFA was pretty badass. I now have cramps like the whole body. Having difficulties sitting, standing, laughing or coughing. Standing Broad Jump sucked for me this time, the other time I tried was 240+, now 216, ah shit. Then Sit-Ups, was a sad case. I actually did 44, AND EVEN SYDNEY TOLD ME IT WAS 44. Then Sydney started, without telling the instructor first, then he got 51. I added 2 for him, and he said he would add 2 for me. What happened? I told the instructor he got 53, he told instructor I got 43. WHATTHEHELL?! Then I talked quite loudly, and slipped from my mouth that I added 2 for him, instructor overheard and said that we cheated. Fortunately we declined but obviously, he didn't believed it. Whatever, even though I cheated, it was still a pass and an A. What's the diff.. Shuttle run, damn, just a few milli secs and I got A. ZZZ. Inclined pull-up was the funniest as Victor was doing like some crazy bitch and gave the constipated looks, somemore do so fast. I felt happy for him as I thought he did a lot. I still did almost the same as him, thing is I did more LOL. Slow & Steady wins the race!

Soon it's MYE already, going to take away my computer mood and start studying on Humanities. I don't wish to see any Cs or Ds or Es or Fs. All I want is stabilising and get either Bs or As. CA1 I had 2 As and others Bs. I wish to improve, because I don't want to stay the same and when I got into 'O' Levels, I would suck badly. Alin came my house and started doing Science Project. Well, we did not take pictures like the vain dance addictor, Brandon, or my boss, Fakhruz. THEY ARE VAIN. Spike hair somemore. Later your penis hair also spike (: It's quite late and soon Alin have to leave. Hah, almost finished the Science project. Because we couldn't find the medicine for Gastric. We have to find time to go to pharmacies and ask for the medicine. Then take down every notes, or take down the name enough liao, and faster everything and make the science project nice. So as to achieve high marks for science (:

Well now going down to buy some sweets and shits for those girls that are demanding, and greedy. Also, bringing Alin down as it's late already. He has to go home and attend to his mother's shit. Lol. DARKSHINY!!!!! Lol. I'm off.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Okay hellos everyone,

Going to make this post fast so that I go to sleep early, because there's school tomorrow. So everyday aren't really good for weekends. Time passes really fast when I'm in tuition on Saturday. Even though there's less laughters, it was fun doing work, I learnt a lot in Maths Graph thingy already. I think I can handle now. Now it's time for Science or English. English teacher just teaches me some vocabulary that I can't remember after the day, and some normal work. Zzz, maybe I shall ask teacher to teach me Metaphors and those (:

During night time, it's real freaky. My second brother have to go out EVERY night because from 1st april to 25th april, the LAN shop that he's going will be totally free at midnight. So he goes and play there. on 25th april he's officially working in the LAN shop. Even though I hate him, but, goodluck in your work. My oldest brother stayed with me from Thursday till Saturday night, and till today evening. Now I'm TOTALLY alone finally. No one with me, but I managed quite a lot. Packed bag, washed plates and bowls. Tomorrow after my school I'll come back from school and practise more in piano and then go eat, and off to piano lesson. After that, I'll meet with Firdaus a while and I'll be coming home to keep the clothes that the part-time maid washed, then I go do my homeworks, cook myself a sumptous dinner and off to sleep (: This will be my daily routine. Oh, can someone remind me to on my father's car engine every 2-3 days? Like I did it just now night time. Quite scary, so I rather to do it at morning ): On Tuesday, Thursday someone please sms me to on car engine at around.. 4pm? but on Thursday on 6-7pm. If not could just do it on Friday. Then finally Saturday I will be meeting my parents again..

Oh, did not mention that I almost cried? I almost brought tears into my eyes on two occasions: When I'm speaking with my parents, I was missing them SO MUCH. And they are missing me too, also worrying me so much because my brothers are not taking care of me. I said I would be alright. Hope they too ): Second occasion, when singing a love song, almost cried. This is my first time having this problem, I'm in love with her so much? I don't know dude.. I almost cried because of her for some reasons.. I seriously think the FLAME statistics are not real at all. There are so many people of the same name, how could it be sure? Liar!!!! Then me and her are Friends... I'm so sad when I did it.. I don't believe it la! I'm must be happy, shouldn't worry so much.. IT'S FAKE, THIS IS JUST COINCIDENCE. My 2 most important value: Perseverance, and... I forgotten -.- Will edit it when I remember..

Sad case is my shoes are not dried yet! Ohmygod!!!!! Maybe I shall wear my Nike or Adidas one.. There's white but there's golden shiny stripes on it, I scared they don't allow. How? Scary la ><. Hope they allow lo, see morning the shoes dried or not. I am blasting music from like 8pm or something till now.. Later off then go sleep liao.. Monday till Friday I will be putting my alarm at 4.45am. I scared can't wake up. Another back up at 5.55am. So it's 11.27pm now, I have to go to sleep early so I can wake up and eat breakfast, shower, brush teeth and those. I need to cut hair soon ><. Goodnight.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Friday, April 10, 2009

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My apologise to everybody for not posting yesterday. Was so busy. I decided not to post about a girl. So whatever. I'm going to write about my daily lives. I am getting very hyper in both school and MSN. Most during in MSN and blogging I will like purposely put those emo emo then now I put quite hyper because I fell in love with this song (: It's called Burnin' Up by Jonas Brothers. This is my first song from J.B. I hardly hear their songs. Just came upon it when looking for songs inside youtube. AND THEN I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT. Cause I'm Burnin' Up, Burnin' Up, for you baby!

Very sad thing is on Thursday, my parents went for Hong Kong and left me at this wretched place. Lol not really, I love freedom. They gave me $100 until next week's saturday. Certainly enough for me, because I don't need so much money. Also another $100 for my brother. I never knew my parents are so generous -.- .

Well school are certainly very very much more better than last time. Even though we still do shits around and crap around, then say bad things about Brandon ROFL. It's fun doing these. But I do feel bad. During Maths test we were like joking around, then gave Brandon my paper to let them copy. Geography test better, we took out our books and try to take answers from there and rephrase, but a lot of them I did myself! Mr. Lee so evil, we were playing rubber band and shooting around. Then he say do your work, then I was like okay, I'll do my work then I started thinking how to do the SEQ. I did not do anything, then thinking halfway, the class so noisy. He screamed DO YOUR WORK. Jun Jiu, Alin and me was sitting behind and I was thinking, I don't know for the others. Then Mr. Lee was like, "3 boys behind hand up the essay by today". I was like WHATTHEHELL?! I did not do anything la.. Fine lo.. I was so angry with him.. Nevermind, I should not get angry over anything.. During Literature I rushed through the Literature Poem + some of its homeworks, did not dare to do History because afraid to get scolded. After school, I smsed my tuition teacher and said I'm unable to attend for tuition and then rushed for the History homework. Finished, passed up, we went down and bought ice cream and those. We slacked a lot until Hui Ying came back from McDonalds, then walked around, she told me to wait for Jia En with her.. But Jun Jiu and Alin coming my house so I was like so guilty, so I apologised, and went off. We went to play Dota and then they went back home.

Alone at home is really bad. My 2nd brother went out and left me alone with my oldest brother. Bad thing is he went to sleep early. I was staying up chatting in MSN. After that I lied on the sofa while watching TV, and fell asleep. Woke up countless times if I wasn't wrong. And woke up at 7++ really woke up. Now I need to do my tuition homeworks which was partly the reason I didn't went to tuition. And I also needed to go eat medicine, which was the 3rd reason I didn't go for tuition. Tomorrow have tuition. Maths homework! Lols. Also need to wash plates. Craps! Shall I do it tomorrow? I'm quite tired.. Dilema..


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Hey people,

I am back with both hyper and emo mood. So, Singapore Youth Festival just over this morning. We were the first to appear and gave the first impression to the judges. We came early like 5am to school to get prepared, tune, and make us calmed, when we all know, we aren't. After a while of tuning and shits, we were off to the bus and move to Singapore Conference Hall. Sitting on the floor, laughing and keep hearing Folklore For Band and Overture No. 1 For Wind Band to remember the music while I play. Tuning room: All tensed up. The voice was good but sucky. Time for performance. We all SUPER DUPER tensed. Music was much more better than ever. It shows hope, but everyone looked as if we were all going to get screwed upside down. Cried, then all went in to watch other schools play. Yuying Secondary School which contain my game friend I knew in B.net of WC3 Frozen Throne, PLAYED FANTASTICALLY! Everyone effed up trying to know the results and so nervous. Results are finally out. Everyone's expressions had a drastic change from nervous and tensed to total disappointment. Bronze. But it was expected.

What happened? Everyone cried. Even Hazzry cried ><. I feel guilty for not crying, but I almost cried when my gentleman-ly power did not make me drop tears. Everyone was disappointed with the results but.. it is over and done with. We all knew most probably the answer. It's sad to hear that we "achieved" bronze. Upon going back school through bus, the bus was in total silence. Hardly any voice. 2 reasons: Disappointment. Tired.

It was obvious. Me too, fell asleep. I bet it was funny when I was falling asleep. In the atrium, a lot of them cried. Any types, boys, girls, men, women, alumnis. It's really really heartbreaking to see most of them so sad about the results. I think everyone feels that they are partly the reason why we got bronze. But c'mon, what's done is done. We could never change it. Whether we screwed or not, we still gave our best shot, gave what we have and even though we achieved bronze and it was really disappointing, another time, we did our best. I hope by this week I would see everyone smiling again. If not I will have to hug each of them, kiss them and say i love them. Muahahaha I'm gay.. National Band Competition are coming next year. Seniors are to say goodbye.. I will miss them, A LOT. Like seriously. I miss them a lot. Chrystal, Shi Hui, Shanon, Luscella, Syazana, Jing Heng, Nadia, Haikal, Lili, LiYue, Fiona, I hope no more. I missed a lot of them. Those that are quite close to me, and I talk to them quite a lot, it's sad to having them leave us at such a quick pace. Thinking about that, after National Band Competition, Jingyi and Viknesh will be leaving me.. No more seniors. LEFT ME. I'll be like Chrystal like that.. Worst is I'm a boy, and Flautists usually contain girls? I guess so, this sec.1 badge has 3 girls. T_T.

I'm off to go to sleep, there's a lot more to say, I guess I'll type it all out tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be 2 posts, one contain about daily life. Another one is about the girl that I always loved (: Sleeping early because it's really tiring.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

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Sad case, I have fallen sick.. Fever, cough, phlegm, huge headache. When I turn my head, IT HURTS. Argh danm it man. Woke up with heavy headache, then started playing 9 Dragons!!! It's still amazing. Never get sucky like CabalSEA. Found out that I am running high fever and stuffs. Ate medicine, had little lunch and went to sleep till 9pm. Felt much better.

I hate my brother. It's like don't know how many times he have did this already. Just because he needs to go out, he has no money, my wallet's in the room, I'm outside at the living room. You just go inside the room and take the notes inside my wallet? Dude, this is MY money, not yours. Stop stealing money from me, okay? I have always been forgiving you BECAUSE YOU'RE MY BROTHER. Even worst you took Dad's and my handphone to go sms to @-Cash to get 50k @-cash for $150 inside Dad's and my phone bills? Dude, SCREW YOU. If there was a chance for me to choose, I really don't want you to be my brother. Are you even my brother? YOU ARE JUST A THIEF. Thanks a lot for stealing my money and doing all the bad stuffs, "BROTHER".

Achievement Day was quite a success I guess? SYF just 2 days away from now and I'm 101% sick. But I don't really care about my illness, I'll just go for band, school and not bother my illness. I rather die than to screw up SYF. My Meno Mosso or whatever at bar 96 of Folklore For Band was.. I don't know. I have to "cover" the piccolo or something. But on the same time, blend with it. So, it's like loud yet blendful. It's like using a ice blender, trying to ice blend Green Apple. So you use a little bit of ice and quite a lot of green apple, and you get a very nice drink.

I'm still quite nervous and not confidence for bar 96 of Folklore For Band. Like seriously.. I will get very nervous. Chrystal, Viknesh and Jingyi told me that during one of the SYFs, Petunia was playing solo if I wasn't wrong. And she was so nervous that she automatically vibrato. Weird part is I won't. Damn! Lol. Viknesh is so bad that he doesn't teach me ><. Upon thinking about band, after SYF, Chrystal will be stepping down.. I will be missing her.. Also, after NBC next year, Jingyi and Viknesh will leave me to 3 girl juniors and me only senior. Only Sec.3 I think. I hope there's more boys for me haha. I rather teach boys. I will be so shy ><.

Oh, did I not mention that Mr. Poh walked off angrily because of the brass not doing pp or articulation/dynamics at the beginning of Overture No.1 For Wind Band if I'm not wrong.. I'm not really blaming you guys.. But you have to work hard. Especially Trombones and Trumpets. Once again, not blaming you all or stressing you all, but your parts for both Overture and Folklore are important. Brasses are very important to musics, we don't depend on Woodwinds.. Everyone have to jiayous for SYF leh! We should never give up and feel that it's the end of the world, because it's not. Everything is possible when you believe. Like what Jing Heng and Senior Fir said, believe in yourself. Patricia have to jiayous and do your best for the part at Folklore For Band bar 68. Don't think you have done badly, because you did not, you did your best already. Whatever the results are, we did our best, we have tried our best. Yes, a lot of us are losing hopes already.. Worst still, Mr. Poh thinks that we will get C.O.P or Bronze. I mean, a lot of you all are thinking that too, but never lose hope. Show the whole school what the AI Concert Band are capable of doing! Jiayous once again!

Last thing.. The other someone told me you're taken.. Should I believe her? Like, you never told me before.. You only told me you like someone, but not you are stead-ing with someone.. Are you lying to me? Or is the girl who told me that's lying..? I'm so confused.. Can you tell me the truth? I don't want to end up in the oblivion knowing nothing. Like everyone always do to me.. I just have a little bit difficulty hearing things and you all say something and not repeat, not letting me know. Even worst when you guys are saying things, leave me alone. Am I even in this conversation? I think I should leave every conversations and stay alone. It's better.

I left my art at school.. So need to rush to school and bring paint, during recess rush to finish up every single painting shits.. English not really hard, so I guess I'll either do it today or tomorrow morning.. I'm tired a little even after my long sleep. My illness will attack to my heart and I will die some day. But my passion of music will forever stay in my soul. You too, will stay in my soul. Sleeping soon.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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It's April Fool today. Sure has lots of laughters, but I miss Brandon, Sydney and Dan Feng. Worst was 10 people was absent today, inclusive some are for CCAs. It's been a week or more not sms-ing to her. I finally have an answer to my question for not sms-ing to you.. The reason is I am fully afraid that I might fall in love with you again.. I want to forget you.. You know, I'm actually afraid to let you look at this post, then you'll know what's the reason.. But whatever, I have no choice but to express my feelings on this post, since this is a blog.. I feel so guilty.. I'm so confused now... Should I? Should I not? Hey wait.. It's 5 more days till SYF, Mid-Year Examinations in a month, and I'm thinking of girls.. Argh! I must get over it sooner or later..

Schools are getting better. Mr. Chin took over us for Mathematics because Mr. Soo was absent. Sometimes I thought that Mr. Soo never gets absent. It was very miraculous that he was absent. But that was better. During Mr. Soo's lesson, I think no one would listen to him because of hatred of him? But I think Mr. Soo teaches well, but doing Pink File and revision? It is good for us but way too much. Mr. Chin was teaching very well and I learn A LOT more for Simultaneous Equations. With fear, everyone listened to Mr. Chin's lesson, our notebook filled with notes, I think this is the only time we have learnt the most things. We felt fantastic, even though we were late for recess.

Something is very bad though, Humanities is not doing well at all. I have no interest on it at all. History? Literature? Geography? Sometimes I think that these are bullshit.. But I have considered it important because it is part of our subjects. I have decided to work hard on studies, most in English, History, Literature, Geography, Chinese. Art will be okay, same to music. More studies, less time on computers. But I will spend like half an hour or so to blog about what have happened. Oh ya, Ms. Cheryl Ang or whatever came to our class yesterday and asked if anyone would want to go for the 'O' Level Music course. I would love to, but we have to have at least Grade 3 Piano, and fantastic playing in the piano. I purely suck in the piano so I decided not to. But Mrs. Wong suggested that I should check it out. Today I was so tired and shag so I did not went for the music thing. I asked Hazzry about it, he said it was okay and he might join it. But I thought he doesn't have piano grades.. Also, Jingyi told me yesterday in the MSN that it is very stressful. I thought about it. I can't even handle school works + CCA, so I should NOT go. I'm afraid everything will go chaotic in my life.

I don't have anything more to talk about.

I felt like confessing but I guess I need not confess, because after this post, I know that you will find out that iloveyou. And I know that youlovehim. I'm utterly sad and you can't leave my mind. I've been thinking about you the whole time during band. Tell me what should I do..

Half emo eh? I'm going off to do Humanities. Hope it goes well.


Its a sin that I could not deny.