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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Templete code : SixSeven
Pictures done by : Silents20
Program used : Photoshop
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Monday, March 30, 2009

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I thought my mood would be better when I reach home but this is totally chaotic.

I am useless for not having any interest in blogging nowadays, because there is too much stress on SYF, then studies. Damn it, I can barely rest.. Also I had another reason is because the laptop and computer has went for repair. Hope it is going to be good in a few days.

Well days passed with a lot of band practices and even though some are improving, some of them are not too. Mr Poh was right, our sound comes from our attitude(not quite sure, but something like that). If you have a bad attitude, obviously the sound that you play will be bad. My conclusion is that I will be a human that has a kind-heart. But still on the training session.

Choice piece changed to Folklore For Band. Yes, it is nice when it is played nicely, but most of us are not really happy about it. Studying sure is stressful, but is quite fun. Sitting at the back with Brandon, Fakhruz, Jun Jiu and Alin will make me laugh like everyday. Fakhruz have those super duper funny jokes when he act very serious doing stupid things. Fortunately, I listen to most lessons, and it turned out pretty well, I now understood that I have to ask to understand most things.

I understand most subjects, science, english, chinese. Even though maths is not doing well for me already.. Similarity and Congruency is not my thing, and then the long equation form, is very very hard.. But I understand quite a little. I just copy what Mr Soo taught, and then I understand, now I'm trying to memorise it properly. Because it is very long.

Can't believe there's such coincidence, my long-last game friend I met in Battle.Net of Warcraft III, also in band, also Secondary 2, in Yuying Sec. School, and lastly their SYF is at 7th April, like our band's SYF date. Luckily I could meet him, he's from Trumpet and heard from him when talking to him, I totally think he's pretty good in it. From a COP band, they turned to Silver band in 3 months from their conductor. They are aiming for Gold so I wishes him good luck and do your best to get Gold.

Soon I'll be changing blogskin but see if I have any time. There's a full week band schedule, until Saturday, but I don't really think I can go for Saturday because I have tuition and I can't change anymore. Changing blogskin also = Adding songs into blogskin. I'll be putting the song my long-last game friend's school's choice piece, and my band's choice piece. I don't know how to put them together though. Damn.

I'm off to do homework now. Only 30 minutes left, I don't want a late night like yesterday night.. So goodbye, and hope you have fun in school.

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

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FINALLY, I'm back from Genting, that's the reason why I did not update for quite a long period. It was FANTASTIC during the Genting trips. Even though I still feel very nauseous and uncomfortable due to the long ride.

First Day:

LONG TRIP, we went to had lunch at a place before continue moving on to the trip to Genting. A lot of people come and sell things over here. One who sells discs, HOLY CRAP, he sells LOTS of discs, checked out because we needed new discs to watch in our car. Ransacked, OHMYGOD, DragonBall Evolution?! The Legend of Chun-Li?! Bolt?! Twilight?! LOT MORE! We bought Twilight and Bolt, bought Twilight so that I could go watch it and do my music project. Hehe! Bolt was for entertainment. Reached Genting, feeling kind of uncomfortable but luckily it was not that bad due to the bubblegum. Waited long in carpark. Went to Resort Hotel. WOAH it changed quite a lot and amazing. Got a room at Fourth Level, 2 Queen-Sized Bed. And the room was fantastic. The lifts are more high-technology-ed, you need to insert your hotel card before pressing your level, make it harder for thieves to come steal shits. Rushed to play Arcade. Played before because the other time went with Parents and Uncles and their families. Went to play a lot of games. There is one game called "Go-Go Ball", one of the machine ticket thingy spoilt. Keep on coming out the ticket, this auntie don't know what happened then go take. A lot come out, then my brother go ask the auntie if we could take the tickets, then the auntie kind-hearted, took a little then give us the others. ROFLs! Had dinner then went to sleep. Slept quite early lol.

Second Day:

The 2nd day was better, we went for theme park! But bad because it was raining. It was closed for a moment. We went for arcade just a while and then it was no longer raining, we went back up to hotel and tried calling dad but can't, in the end we left a note. We played "All Park" 4 people, 3 adults 1 child(me), $187. Expensive. Played Cyclone, something like roller coaster but just normal de. WOAH! Then Flying Coaster, the spiderman thingy where you need to lie de, WOW! THE LAST ONE, the one who sorta killed me. Space Shot, the one where you sit on the thing and it goes like so EFFING high, and then comes down, WHATTHEHELL?! I didn't even dare to open my eyes to see when it's on top, because I am acrophobic. Come down, HOLY CRAP, it's like out of the sit, and then up then down, EFFING SCARY LA! T_T. Dinner was fantastic. Drank wine while play cards, cool! But could not slept well, it was so hot and I was squeezed between my father and my brother..

Third Day:

A bad sleep causes me have bad energy and stuff. Went to have great breakfast and then went to arcade for the last time. Rushed a lot of Go-Go Ball and then we had a total of 2693 points! Got a very cute Ox, picture will be put next time, will be editting inside here. Then a retarded cube that is kinda fun to play with. Went off back Singapore. Feeling super unwell. Did not have lunch and was super hungry. Feeling nauseous and no energy, because did not drink much water, like dehydration like that. Went to fetch mom and then went to eat dinner. Even though had a huge amount of food which made me feel a little better, I still felt very nauseous.

Now at home updating, just nice 12.00am le. THIS morning will be doing Geography Project and Music Project with Sydney, Chuan Zhi, Zhan Xing and Fakhruz maybe. I go play a little bit of AuditionSEA then I go rest liao. Very tired, and nauseous, my face is total shag.



Here's the picture of Ox! Enjoy!

ISN'T IT SO CUTE?! haha goodbye!

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Hey everyone! Long time no update right? Very sorry, I went for a OLE 2 Camp at Jalan Bahtera and my laptop hard disk spoilt.. Now currently using mom's laptop to update, can't always do this, so will be very very outdated in my blog.. Changing blogskin soon I think..

School was ok, I'm getting to catch up with almost everything, CA1 marks was quite horrible, in my Literature, Geography, History and English of course.. I have to buckle up, no more talking so much. I hate other people more and more.. Nothing much to say so I'm moving on to OLE 2!

OLE 2 WAS FANTASTIC, the activities was organised, the instructors were all kind, just that they got all angry because of our noise.. That's true, they don't want to keep quiet, I also quite fed-up with the noise..

Day 1

We went to school, still kind of nervous, after that we went to the camp, cool! Teached us quite a few new things, went for lunch, then we played General Statons/Low Elements. Teamwork and worked well with Fakhruz, then climb the wall thingy, my butt got hit hardly when they pull me down then until now still pain.. After that was the Campfire Preparation, really fed-up with Ash, the idea was already made-up, then suddenly changed.. Just because he's the MCL, he can act big ar.. Not even big, like I bother what he barks.. WE COULD ACTUALLY BRING OUR PHONE, I told my mom but she did not believe me -.-. Played 'Blind Mans Walk', had worked quite well. Have no sleeping bed and it makes me a little uncomfortable when I'm sleeping.. And when our hut's lights are out, it's EXTREMELY dark, darker than others.. Did not sleep until like so late.. A funny thing happened.. 2 I think.. First, when Afiq's was sleeping, we went to put colgate on his nipples, and then Haziq pour water on his pants. LOLS LA!!! If i'm not wrong, this day, or day 2, Afiq fell down and hurt his head, bleeding like some shit.. Sad..

Day 2

Day 2 was kinda bad, woke up after sleeping for 2 hours or so.. And because it was raining ALL DAY LONG! No kayaking and High Elements, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Did morning exercise, did something called 'Buddha Clap' which was good for our arms but painful. Some idiots make a scene which made the instructors angry.. Outdoor cooking was quite a failure to EVERYONE. Mr. Lee taught us some FUNNY cheers, now learnt all already. FUNNY! We were all hungry only until dinner. We learnt a dance called the 'Mass Dance', song was 'Xi Shua Shua', chinese song. CRAZY DANCE! Night activity was 'Kidnapped' and I was kidnapped -.-. Janser, Afiq, Deon, and some other people was caught. Then Janswer very pervert, we talk about something then when I'm desparate to know and about to find out, they so fast finished and found me liao -.-. ALMOST SO MANY PEOPLE THAT I DON'T KNOW THAT WAS KIDNAPPED KNOW ME SIA -.-. We all was so freaked out due to the stories Elaine told us, the ghost stories, which made Hui Ying CRIED SO LOUD then high-pitched saying "I want Jia En!!" IRRITATING LO! Sleeping was VERY BAD, we all so freaked out that's why.. Zhan Xing tried sharing his sleeping bed with me. It was extremely cold and Zhan Xing is kind of sick.. I wanted to lend him my sweater to him, but I could not because I was a little bit cold too. So I did not share the sleeping bed, because I returned after I slept for a while, then I went blocking the wind to going to Zhan Xing, and I suffered severely having kind of cold.. They all keep complaining, I snore so loud HAHAS!

Day 3

Day 3 was great! Went to have morning exercise as usual, this time was much more better, less people go make a scene. Even though I didn't sleep so well, I had great fun. First was we did the CRC, A.K.A. bla Rope Challenge I think. Didn't got to do, then it was Rock Wall, went to do, AND I DID IT!!! Wheee, then was lunch and then we went for Zip-Line/Abseiling! Some did Abseiling and some did Zip-Line, I DID ZIP-LINE! Mr. Lee challenged me to sing Barbie Girl then he lend me his phone to let me call my mom for 3 minutes, then I sang, he never teach me how to sing all, so I sang part, then he lent me for 1 minute, and I used about 3 minutes, lesser than 3 minutes. Hahas.. We went to do the Campfire Preparation, FINALLY, my thinking was finally fulfilled, we did a dance ALL TOGETHER. Elaine was quite disappointed with us because Fakhruz or someone said "Playing was free" then she got fed-up and we were left with only 15 minutes to our Wash-up and we haven't even finished choosing the song. We finally chose, and it was "We're All In This Together" by High School Musical 3, we did only some parts, and then Chuan Zhi and some other guy including me made up some steps and we choreographed well. We did not shower and then we went for dinner right away. After a while, it was finally Campfire! BUT IT WENT RAINING! T_T. Mr. Chin came and we performed.. Everyone's performance was great. Ours went well too. 2N2 and 2T1 so good sia the boys, get to hold hands with girls HAHAS, ok I'm pervertic ><. Showered and slept at 12++. They complained that I snore so loud again -.-. CAN'T HELP IT RIGHT?! -.-

Day 4

Last day! Went to wash up then Zhan Xing in the toilet ask Charles who he dance with then he say Xiaoqi then Sydney they all say I will angry, and I was like no... Ok last time I say this ar, I already fed-up, I don't want to say anymore, we are ONLY FRIENDS, stop saying we have a effing relationship la.. Pissed off.. Just got confirmed, Charles said Qiao Shi, which was another girl, just that pronunce like same, and even though it's confirmed, I'm not glad or something ok? Went for Breakfast duty, so meaning no morning exercise! Haha, then we had a lot of fun spraying the water to everyone. Waited for bus then all the other classes went off then we the last class, and Chief Ziko told us to clean the parade square -.-. We also went to do the Boo cheer to him, lols. Went back home and all the while in the bus they kept on making fun of Ash.. Then make fun of Scouts.. Scouts ok what, there's nothing wrong with it, then others follow ya la, Scouts sucks, it's not like your CCA best right.. Talk so much.. Reached school then went back home, it looked so precious to me now, the house, because it's much more better than our huts -.-.

Thinking about it, it was really fast, 4 Days 3 Nights, it went past so fast, because we had a lot of fun! Now my voice already losing.. Can keep talking will zao xia.. The camp was so memoriable, I missed the instructors, and the activities. So this is it, now I'm very tired already, going back to my bunk bed and sleep! I miss it! I will try to update blog often, this is it, a long post.


Its a sin that I could not deny.