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xExodius - Dickson
Turning 14 at 27 November
Once a Northlander but now in AISS
Studying in the lovable class, the CLASS OF WINNERS, 2E3!
Music-addiction and currently in BAND.
A current flautist and a pianist[beginner]


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


My phone


A new handphone
A new wallet
My own laptop or computer
My own personal flute
A grand piano
Growing taller
Good grades for my examinations
Silver/Gold for SYF
A earpiece of my own
A new bag for my school(A better one please!)
New clothings and a pencilbox( increasing (: )

If you're rich, please buy some for me on my birthday, thanks (:






AI Band


Dan Feng
Hui Ying
Wan Yun

Band & Alumnis

Shi Ting
Xiao Qi




February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 November 2009


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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

- :

I never had my blogger mood since then..

So I finally blogged, didn't have the blogger mood at all.. School was okay like everyday, Sydney and I always saying those sick jokes which are so funny.. So pissed off with like one teacher, one student. Piano was quite screwed but I tried my best, and I'm promoting to Grade 2 right away next month. Fees are increased though. Days after days, I finally slept on my own room ALONE. It was quite scary though. Today did not went for band but to tuition. Tuition was good, kept on laughing because of others. Brandon, there's no that girl, I don't know how to spell her name ><. And even if I do, I won't say out. Today, at FT, wow, I stopped talking, and then I was LOOKING AT THE PAPER, Mrs Wong just said I talk, and I was like, I did not talk like after quite a while, and she's like, "Oh ya you never talk." and give that sarcastic face. I was like, FINE LA, I talk I talk.

This talk is to this guy in our class, I bet he's going to find out sooner or later, I won't care. I won't really even want to talk to him anymore. His face is already making me sick. Hey dude, you can talk when you tell us to shut up? So, you can talk in lessons but we can't, we talk too much, fine, it's the right thing to do. But what if it has YOU and others which are making sounds, you are very clever, say "Shh!" "Keep quiet!" like some dogs and then you go back to talking. Great job, MCL! You tell us to keep quiet, in blog, in real life, when you yourself are talking. Is it just because you're the MCL? Yes, MCL is the biggest, it also has a big responsible, you need not to put everything to yourself, other class leaders are useful in their own sense too, not the MCL is the only class leader okay? When I talk, I stopped just to listen to teachers, and then Sydney asks me serious things about the current lesson, or he don't understand, I reply him properly, and you tells me to shut up. Fine, you don't want me to talk, might as well tell Mrs Wong bring me to the most back so that I won't need to teach any bitches? You got brains, I got brains, I have my limits, and so do you. I know how to stop, why not you too? Using handphone in class, PLAYING DICTIONARY during lesson, even though I did, why do you even need to join in? When I look at you, I don't see Ashwath, you know what I see instead? I saw Napoleon of Animal Farm. When the animals see Napoleon with the humans, they see Napoleon as a human too. When I see you, I see you as Napoleon. You know why I always treated you much more better than the previous times at Sec. 1 Term 1 or 2? I believed you changed, a much better human, at MSN, at Term 2/3. You changed real better, but what now? A corrupted son of a bitch. Reflect please, I reflected, I soul-searched, I know I'm in the wrong, I wouldn't even blame anyone, it's my fault, I do talk too much, I will try to quiet. Zhan Xing said I wrote in the blog I will keep quiet, not I WILL KEEP QUIET but I will TRY to keep quiet. Okay? Get that fact right.

2nd thing, Xiaoqi or Xiao Hui whatever crap thing. This is to like all of you people, c'mon, you like rumours? I could like tell everyone that Ashwath likes whoever girls okay? Just because a fucking SMS from her, meaning we are in a relationship or I like her? Does that makes sense? Please, I'm a man, I admit who I like okay? I'm not like some cowards who only hide when they have relationships. Your insults, it doesn't hurt, but pisses off hardly. 3 things you need to get it right. First, I don't like Xiaoqi, we are not having a relationship. We are BANDMATES. Secondly, you like insulting so much, that's why I started insulting you so much about your skin tone. Thirdly, talking to you is a waste of our saliva, telling you our secret, is like telling to the whole world. Your mouth, it's like a dog, bark whenever you see a people. Look what have you turned Brandon, Tian Jie? The whole class knows Tian Jie's relationship when he doesn't want to tell anyone about it. Brandon, it's also a secret. A crush is a secret. Like yours, or whatever, you have your own crush, we never bother about it. Why even bother others okay? Tian Jie have his relationship, he's happy about it, just fucking leave him alone. You do feel angry when we all insult you black, nigger, don't you? Then please think what does others that you insult feel. Just because a SMS make you think I having a relationship. Why not you SMS me, I say you having a relationship with me la. Since you look like a gay also. Spam people SMS just because you have unlimited, fun to you, not to us okay. I insulted you even feeling that you will feel hurt, but all these came out BECAUSE OF YOU. I'm a loser, I blame people, I don't care, but I'm so angry that I'm blaming you PROPERLY AND RIGHTLY. Please do some fucking soul-searching. Xiaoqi and I are just good friends okay? Just like me and Sydney, me and Boon Kiat and other people. Can't we be fucking good friends with girls? You good friend with Yanfang, I say you having affair with her la, can or not? No right.

All my anger still not vented, still so fucking pissed off. Every vulgarities is coming out already.

This picture is a late one, it's when my 13th birthday last year. A birthday gift from Xiaoqi, she wanted me to post it, so anything. It's a chipmunk, very very very cute. My mother help me put it on my new study table, I was like lol. First laugh I did.

That's it. A very long post of me venting all my anger. Kind of feeling better. I'm going to rest now, the homeworks could kill me.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

- :

Tears never comes out from my eyes, whenever I am sad.. This thing is torturing me badly. I could not sleep properly, concentrate in school properly, I can't even think well.. I am going crazy..

School rather sucked lately. No laughters. The progress of me becoming emo is kind of progressing a little well.

Band was rather okay though. But Friday, after Mr. Poh went off, we were supposed to go for sectionals.. Clarinets and Flutes/Oboe practised hard, what came back? A effing punishment FOR NO REASON, just because the other people slacked. Well whatever, band is a band, one for all, all for one.

But this is a little bit too much, I went pass Syazana twice when we were running 5 rounds, she came back after like 4 seconds after Rasyid, Haikal and I finished. She answered she ran 5 rounds?! Is that what we call, bullshit? Somemore give bad attitude.. Drum Major somemore.. Just because your bad mood, you could vent it all on us? C'mon Majors, I know you people are trying to keep us up, I bet the whole band appreciates it, you said we don't respect you, I do, a lot, but do you ever respect us whenever you are at your bad mood?

Another thing, do you have something like an eyes to see through walls? Whenever we practise finish, and we finally could take a break, you will just come and say we are slacking. Is that COINCIDENCE, or is it a PLAN? No one ever panics, because it's all "part of the plan". Why do EVERYONE just vent their anger on people nearby just because of their bad mood? I don't do that, I don't even tell people to shut up when people talk to me when I'm in bad mood.

Okay, I do, but that's when it's class time, or CCA time, it's obvious, too noisy, how do teacher or conductors even talk? Why not let you do the talking?

I finally got my own room, my bunk bed was amazing, the mattress too, the study table too. But the room is only myself in it.. The murder show that influenced me back at primary 3-4, made me afraid of dark, being alone.. I don't dare to sleep alone in the dark, that's x2. I'm afraid.. I didn't go for the cruise for band.. Nothing much I guess.. I'll try my best to sleep at my bed..

Goodbye :) *poof*

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

- :

I am so pissed off.. A lot of reasons, first school isn't doing well AT ALL. Humanities is like gone case to me. I can hardly cope with Literature, Geography and History. The history test, hah, I memorised some of the work from what Sydney wrote, but the whole thing I forgotten, and instead of writing what I remember, I wrote those things that I read from the book last time or somehow heard Mr Lee say.. But whatever I scribbled shits on the History test. English is SO not good for me too, first my english kind of suck, I can't even follow them.. Geography, oh c'mon, this is the worst subject that I could not study with. Why do we have such teachers? Could not teach, ask for files.. I hated files. I would not even bother to file them. I haven't even filed my Geography or did the newspaper articles.. Website reviews too, my picture, and mindmaps. WHATTHEHELL IS THIS.. I did not even file my english too.. Okay I'll start filing everything already.. I seriously have to buckle up..
C'mon, Dickson you could do it!

Secondly, band. It's so hard to play 4 bars one breath when they give you such low notes like super low D, where you have to use so much air to play loud enough for Mr Poh or the judges to be able to hear it. Why does 2nd Flute play such low thing? Even though it's called 2nd Flute, it doesn't mean it will turn something like brass, GIVE ME A BASS FLUTE INSTEAD THEN.
Jiayous, Dickson!

I have so much encouragement, from MYSELF. Okay just a quick summary of my days. Very boring, always tired nowadays. I still have to confirm with my mother about this cruise trip.. Also, I have got the room most likely. A bunk bed with a Liverpool FC mattress, which I don't really like Liverpool FC but I liked it, it's really really comfortable. I have a room now! Finally man.. A VERY SMALL study table below for me to sit and do homeworks. But, we had a bigger studying table which was occupied with a lot of books.. I'll clear it sooner or later.

So now I'm going to do everything for Geography file, then I think that's the time I could only sleep. If you see me online, that means I'm still doing my homework, don't irritate me. I am serious now.. I have something to say, and it's a angry one, to a guy.. Pissed with him, so do not think it's you. Thank you.

Goodbye! :) *poof*

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

- :

Hellos everyone! I really apologise to everyone because I always don't update my blog.. It's really because I don't have time.. Everyday I have programs until like 6pm, and until 7pm, then I'll reach home.. I will now put blogging as one of my hobby!

There's a lot to talk! On Saturday, it's Valentine's Day! I went back school to paint my classroom, IT WAS GREAT! After that, I went for tuition, which is so not good -.- I was in a foul mood.. My father did not bother about me being late for tuition.. Nevermind, had fun for tuition. It always make me laugh.

Good news, not for me though, Xiaoqi got the same phone as me, congratulations to her, because she wanted that phone a lot hahas.

I hate my classmates, they always anyhow suspect that I'm having a relationship when I'm TOTALLY NOT! See me SMS to a girl name then say, "whooo". I'M NOT HAVING A RELATIONSHIP SO STOP IT!

Today was even better, I woke up, and then I went out to had my brunch at Northpoint. After that, I went back home and helped my parents put things from my grandma room to the car so that they could donate to the Elderly Centre. My grandma's room is MOST LIKELY given to me. So, I rushed my homework and after a while, gone to Pasir Ris MRT to send my brother off back to NS. Then we went to Ikea and Courts to look for a Double-Decker bed that has the bed on top and a study table below. We found one that we saw in the newspaper, but unfortunately, it's out of stock. So we went to check with the other places. That guy said there was so we placed an order.

I wasn't really happy because it wasn't that nice at all. There was this nicer one at Ikea but they did not choose it because IT WAS TOO TALL. Back to a not really good mood. Now I'm blogging over here. My mother decided that my grandma's room will be mine! YAY! I HAVE MY OWN ROOM NOW! But I'm not sure they will change the idea, because they always break their promises.. My mother asked if I wanted to repaint the room, I said, maybe.. Maybe it would be good if I would tell a professional artist to paint a drawing on the wall! Maybe I'm thinking too much..


For your information, to be in a blog, we have to be honest. I apologise because some of the posts, I lied a little bit, so VERY SORRY! My dream is to go back to my emo way because I don't really like to talk too much.. I must learn! Mr. Yong's learning how to be mean, while I learn how to be emo! Yay :). Got requested to tag on Xiaoqi's blog so I'm off now.

Goodbye :) *poof*

Its a sin that I could not deny.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

- :

I don't care about titles already, :X.

AND HELLOS EVERYONE! Sorry, 3 reasons(*excuses!HAHAS*) for me not updating.
1. Too tired.
2. Too lazy.
3. Too busy.

3 'Too' things which make me unable to update T_T. Feel sad for me okay! I feel that I'm kinda gay!! OHMYGOD?! Oh ya, I will not talk about things that happened in lessons except it's funny or something quite important. So, my posts will be like so short de la! Very sorry to people who are going to read it.. MISS KATHY CAME TO OUR CLASS TO RELIEF GEOGRAPHY! WHEE! She's hot but I think she needs a little bit of Plastic Surgery HAHAs.

Oh I wanted to post about something, during the exchange program, Viknesh and I saw this pretty girl in Bedok Town Sec.! Piccolo-ist. Hahas, I'm just flirtatious! Good point is, at 28 Febuary, there was this another "exchange program" at Singapore Conference Hall, AND BEDOK TOWN IS GOING!! Too bad she's Sec. 4, heard from Chrystal. WHEEEE! I'm still seeing her LOLs.

I suspect Xiaoqi have unlimited SMS! She SMS like that! SMS SO MANY TIMES!!!! OHMYGOD! I hate Ashwath, he has unlimited SMS, I want THAT! He's an asshole ><.

Today, there wasn't really a lot of things that happened. One cool thing during band though. It was sectionals, and for our section, Jingyi, Viknesh, Chrystal and I ran 2 rounds each, and try 10 times on blowing a paper, not letting it to fall from the wall. 4 sets together. My leg cramp siol! It was so fun though! After band, went to give Hazzry my PSP memory card. He's sending me DJ Max 4 Black Square and DJ Max Fever!! More games to play, MUAHAHAHA!

My studies are deteriorating, not for my english though, I have been using quite a lot of vocabulary my tuition teacher taught me hahas. I don't know how to do a lot of things, even worst, it's hard for me to concentrate. I go try and do my geography now, cyas!!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Monday, February 9, 2009

- Screwed!!! :

Hey I am now posting for the day!

It was nothing much. School went smoothly, quite boring during the assembly. Talking about Guide Dogs and then that man talk too much, I thought the dog would do some nice actions. But, nothing happened, after saying all the things, they went off! OHMYGOD?! Wasted my time.

Schools are okay, nothing much to do, went home after school ended for a while then went for piano. Screwed up big time during piano. I need to buckle up liao la! School wasn't really great. Right before school ended, there was this talk on a walk of 3 hours, presentation did by those 3 dance girls in our class.

Okays nothing much to say, Monday don't usually have fun and other stuffs. This is a post on Monday, 9 February 2009. Was trying to post when my parents want me to off computer.. Okays nothing much, now going to the post about today! Cyas!


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

- YEA! :

A fantastic news from Dickson Chan to everyone,

This blog is finally DONE IN EDITTING!! Actually it just took me like 10 minutes or so to finish it, I did not have anytime to do it at all. So this is my blog! I hope through these days I will put the stories, blissful or devastating, inside this blog, for everyone to read and know about more about what happened for me.

It's night time right now, so I have to get over to bed, I slept at like 5-6am yesterday, because I showered late like 1-2am, and was so hyper, fell asleep at 5-6am and slept till 7am. After waking up, I went back to sleep until 11am :D

I still haven't packed my bag. Also, I'm worried of my complacent, which will cause a lot of problems in my examinations or tests. I hope I could have my study mood and erase my bad habit of using the computer. I'll use computer, but not often. So.. COMPUTER, DO NOT ATTRACT ME!!!!

My history homework could not be finished because I do not know how to do. I will most likely go back to school tomorrow and ask my friends how to do it. Hmm.. So far so good, I am doing well in blogging. OHH before I go, this BlogTV post, it can't work because this webcam of mine doesn't work during videos, so I have to like either buy a MacBook or a new webcam that can work in videos.

I will go off right now. Packing up my bag, putting pimple cream and going to sleep! Goodnights and have a fabulous sweet dream!

P.S.: I don't know where to put this so I'll put a P.S. to tell you what I want to say. No more quotes from me anymore. Ashwath and Sydney always irritate me by asking me who's the one I like -.-.


Its a sin that I could not deny.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

- blogTV.com :

Its a sin that I could not deny.